Jerry Yang

美 [ˈdʒeri jæŋ]英 [ˈdʒeri jæŋ]
  • 网络雅虎创始人杨致远;杨志远;杨致远
Jerry YangJerry Yang
  1. Jerry Yang has temporarily secured his position as chief executive .


  2. The board trusted Jerry Yang too much .


  3. In addition to internal instability , Jerry Yang and Dirk also facing pressure from shareholders .


  4. But one thing that is growing less likely is the scenario that Jerry Yang wants & an independent Yahoo .


  5. In his comments , Jerry Yang said the fight with Microsoft had helped to unite the company .


  6. The visitor was Jerry Yang , co-founder of Yahoo .


  7. Jerry Yang , Yahoo ! ' s co-founder and boss , wanted at least $ 5 billion more .


  8. Will whoever buys Yahoo build a special office for Jerry Yang that is designed to look just like the world did back in 1995 ?


  9. Yahoo !' s Jerry Yang who joined Mr Ma at the Alifest is also a longtime friend .


  10. Earlier in the show , Yahoo cofounder Jerry Yang said the company was considering all options , including a possible sale to Ma .


  11. Fortunately , Yahoo has been the beneficiary of an extraordinary investment made by Jerry Yang , founder and former chief executive .


  12. Jerry Yang , chief executive , wrote to employees on Wednesday saying that the company was studying options other than a sale to Microsoft .


  13. Jerry Yang who was the founder of " Yahoo ! Network Company ", and he became a millionaire at the age of27 .


  14. Meanwhile , Reuters is reporting that Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang is in interested in teaming with private equity investors to take the company private .


  15. Yahoo 's co-founder and chief executive , Jerry Yang , said Wednesday that Microsoft should make another bid for his company , which runs the world 's No.2 search engine .


  16. Jerry Yang , analyst at Daiwa capital markets in Taipei , said such a deal was made possible only as a result of liberalisations in cross-strait banking .


  17. Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang and other board members have privately told four major private equity firms that the board would not support a takeover offer for the entire company , fortune has learned .


  18. But Mr. Ma wanted to maintain control and opened talks with Jerry Yang , a co-founder of Yahoo , who was searching for new opportunities in China , according to people involved in the negotiations .


  19. Yahoo looked an odd brand at first - though co-founders Jerry Yang and David Filo 's original name " Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web " was never going to last .


  20. Now that Jerry Yang is planning to cut10 % of Yahoo 's work force , he might want to contemplate saving a bit more money by firing his investment-banking advisers .


  21. For17 months , co-founder and CEO Jerry Yang tried to turn around Yahoo with a simple management mantra : rally senior executives to put aside their differences and do what 's best for the company .


  22. Jerry Yang is a stand-up guy and he would never say he came in to clean up a very large mess , but he stepped in because he had to – they were losing ground to Google , he said .


  23. However , following the harsh criticism he received from shareholders over his failure to agree to a Microsoft acquisition , Jerry Yang , Yahoo 's outgoing CEO , has said the internet company would be open to any new discussions about a deal .


  24. All of you know that I have always , and will always bleed [ Yahoo ] purple , said Jerry Yang , in a memo to All Yahoos on Monday , announcing he would step down as chief executive .


  25. There are reportedly no further talks scheduled , but this is the first time that the two camps have met since the breakdown in communication after that offer was rejected , of course , Jerry Yang and his board over at Yahoo , rejecting that offer , saying they thought it , quote , undervalued .


  26. Before it became known as Yahoo , it was called David and Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web , after the company 's founders , David Filo and Jerry Yang .
