Japanese name

美 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz neɪm]英 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz neɪm]
  • 网络日本名字;日本姓名;日文名;日本人名
Japanese nameJapanese name
  1. I just didn 't know her Japanese name .


  2. The shop went by its Japanese name of Aburaya .


  3. Analysis of Use Policy of Chinese Characters in Japanese Name in Postwar Japan


  4. Your real japanese name generator disney , china ?


  5. Advisers said : It collects no mistake , children from a Japanese name , name of property charges !


  6. Mr. Qi is a native of Harbin who immigrated to Japan in the 1990s . ( his legal Japanese name is Saito miyori . )


  7. Also known as Annie Yi , the Taiwanese born star got her Japanese like name From her Japanese stepfather .


  8. As a digital flexible manufacturing technology , sheet metal numerical control single-point incremental forming was proposed firstly by a Japanese researcher whose name is Shigeo MATSUBARA in the 1990 ' s.


  9. Japanese animation " Your Name " ranked fourth during the week , earning 50 million yuan .


  10. There is a lot of ceremony involved when anyone starts this particular job , but for some Japanese , Kennedy 's name and her family 's history with Japan makes this especially significant .


  11. Based on the analysis of the thought of Chinese and Japanese gardening in the name of oriental gardens , this article draws the outline of the compare between oriental and west gardening characteristics ;
