
  • n.杰奎斯;贾克斯;翟可思;杰克斯;克斯
  1. Finally , each man 's life is divided into seven stages , as Jaques describes in Shakespeare 's As You Like It .


  2. International Olympic Committee president Jaques Rogge announced the results at an IOC meeting in Durban , South Africa .


  3. The term ' midlife crisis ' was thought up by psychologist Elliot Jaques in 1965 .


  4. There are many great moments to this film , with all the team except Hattie Jaques and Barbera Windsor .


  5. Coined in 1965 by Elliot Jaques , a psychologist , he described it as " the adult encounter with the conception of life to be lived in the setting of an approaching personal death . "


  6. The term ' midlife crisis ' was thought up by psychologist Elliot Jaques in 1965 . He described it as " the adult encounter with the conception of life to be lived in the setting of an approaching personal death " 。


  7. By coincidence , it happens to be the same building where , in 1901 , the British manufacturer J. Jaques & Son trademarked an after-dinner parlour game for the upper classes as ping pong , in reference to the noise of the ball bouncing off the wooden bats .
