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  • 网络网络加载协议
  1. The JNLP is an XML file that provides the basic elements and descriptions for your application .


  2. The following observations about the example JNLP file may assist you in creating your own files


  3. For more information about the various elements and format of a JNLP file , refer to Resources .


  4. Supporting download protocols as defined in the JNLP file


  5. Note that the only resources that a client may download are JAR files , images , and JNLP files .


  6. This information is derived directly from the application 's JNLP file ( more on JNLP in a moment ) .


  7. Additionally , a Web server is needed and must be configured correctly to interpret all JNLP and MIME tags .


  8. As mentioned previously , the security attributes defined in the JNLP file determine the level of security that an application may have when launched via Java Web Start .


  9. Whenever a user accesses a Java Network Launching Protocol ( JNLP ) file , the application is automatically downloaded to the user 's workstation and starts running .


  10. Making an application ready for Web Start is rather easy , all that is needed is a Jar containing all the files and a JNLP ( Java Network Launching Protocol ) description file .


  11. Various classes in the JNLP API library allow developers to use a system 's resources in an untrusted environment , assigning the user the responsibility to decide if the operation should be permitted .


  12. To provide a more convenient and efficient packaging scheme for the JNLP file and the JAR files associated with an application , Java Web Start enables the distribution of Web Archive ( WAR ) files .


  13. Therefore , when editing a JNLP file , the final file should be converted using the native2ascii tool that is provided with the JDK to ensure a proper encoding of the file .


  14. The resource tags allow for the JNLP file to specify which JAR files the application uses as well as how to download the JAR files ; that is , either eagerly or lazily .
