- abbr.点火安全保险丝(击发装置)(Igniter Safety Fuze, Percussion)

The ISFP who successfully perceives things objectively may be quite a powerful force for positive change .
The ISFP who is concerned with personal growth will pay close attention to their motivation for taking in information .
To achieve a better understanding of the external world , the ISFP should try to perceive information objectively , before fitting it into their value system .
At the moment when something is perceived , is the ISFP concerned with twisting that perception to fit in with their personal values ?
Generally , the ISFP is kind-hearted and generous with those they care about , and makes a true-blue friend .
To grow as an individual , the ISFP needs to focus on opening their perspective to include a more accurate picture of what is really going on in the world .
If an ISFP 's personal value system is threatened by external influences , the ISFP shuts out the threatening data in order to preserve and honor their value system .