- 网络作家型;灵性特质的作家型;劝告者;内倾直觉情感判断;保护者型

This persistence will help the INFJ to achieve an identified goal .
This ability to see patterns and meanings in the world can help the INFJ in many different ways .
The INFJ strives for the ideal in every aspect of their life .
The INFJ needs to take things entirely into their intuition in order to understand them .
That presents quite a challenge to the INFJ .
We often see INFJ personality types as counsellors and teachers , or in the medical and health fields .
An INFJ has a " stick to it " attitude .
This should be kept in mind as you read some of the more negative material about INFJ weaknesses .
How can you , as an INFJ , ensure that you won 't get that upset ?
It may cause the INFJ to come off as too strongly opinionated or snobbish to others .
The INFJ feels successful when they haved used their very deep understanding of something to do a real service for someone .
In other words , the INFJ needs to consciously try not to use their judgment to dismiss ideas prematurely .
Too often , an INFJ will judge something without properly understanding it , and with the intention of dismissing it .
As an INFJ , you have gifts that are specific to your personality type that aren 't natural strengths for other types .
To grow as an individual , the INFJ needs to focus on applying their judgment to things only after they have gone through their intuition .
When given a goal or context , an INFJ is able to generate all kinds of possibilities . They 're able to see the problem from many different angles .
For an INFJ , the dominant Introverted iNtuition needs to be well-supported by the auxiliary Extraverted Feeling function .
The INFJ with well-developed judgment will be able to grasp and process concepts that are beyond what their natural intelligence appears to be able to handle .
The real problems occur when an INFJ personality has become so imbalanced that its owner is extremely self-important and rarely consider anyone else 's opinions or ideas .
It 's not unusual for an INFJ to feel overwhelmed with all of the things that he or she needs to consider in order to fully understand an idea or situation .
The better use of Extraverted Feeling for an INFJ would be to use it to assess the INFJ 's rich insights and weigh them against the external world .
An INFJ 's feeling of success is centered around their own level of understanding and accomplishment , their usefulness or service to others , and the condition of their personal relationships .
When Introverted iNtuition dominates the INFJ such that the other functions cannot serve their own purposes , we find the INFJ cutting off information that it needs to consider .
The INFJ 's perfectionism and idealism , when combined with their empathy and genuine concern for others , can cause them to be true servants for people in some fashion .
If they have also achieved a good amount of life wisdom , they can become powerful forces , such as Jesus ( INFJ ) and Mahatma Ghandi ( INFJ ) .
Most of the problems described above are a result of Introverted iNtuition overtaking the INFJ 's personality to the point that all of the other functions become slaves to Introverted iNtuition .