
美 [həŋˈgɛriənz]英 [hʌŋˈgeərɪənz]
  • n.匈牙利人;匈牙利语
  • Hungarian的复数



  • 1
    ADJ 匈牙利的;匈牙利人的;匈牙利语(或文化)的
    Hungarian means belonging or relating to Hungary, or to its people, language, or culture.

    ...the Hungarian government.


  • 2
    N-COUNT 匈牙利人;匈牙利裔
    A Hungarian is a Hungarian citizen, or a person of Hungarian origin.

  • 3
    N-UNCOUNT 匈牙利语
    Hungarian is the language spoken by people who live in Hungary.

  1. Hungarians put surnames first for all purposes , at least in the Hungarian language .


  2. These Hungarians & they 're just using you for dragon fodder .


  3. One in five Hungarians , about 1.5 million people , are expected to be impacted by the measures .


  4. Hungarians borrowing in Swiss francs win nine percentage points of interest savings a year .


  5. We 're gonna need replacements and hungarians .


  6. Our party was composed principally of Japanese and americans , with an admixture of hungarians .


  7. Or the Hungarians , who originated across the Urals in a place called Greater Hungary ?


  8. Similarly , to other exterior people , Hungarians offer a warm welcome to those who are interested in their country .


  9. It 's a place we had so much success in the past and there 's just a warm feeling about the hungarians .


  10. I can tell you that nine Hungarians out of 10 would not want to eat paprika grown in Spain .


  11. In the past 10 years , Poles , Hungarians and Czechs have joined the chorus .


  12. Poles , Hungarians , Czechs and the rest should have been locked out of western institutions .


  13. Are those who self-identify as ethnic Hungarians better or worse paid , housed or educated than other population groups ?


  14. The film examines Hungarians fighting in the Red Army in 1918 during the bloody Russian civil war near the Volga .


  15. The last time Hungarians were counted was10 years ago , and this will be first time they will be able to fill out the questionnaire online .


  16. Despite nearly a decade of performing , hardly any of their fellow Hungarians knew their names until they won the ITV competition .


  17. As in Russia , Hungarians can still vote ; citizens can protest and privately owned media can criticise Mr Orban .


  18. While consuming beer was never forbidden , Hungarians did pledge to refrain from clinking glasses for a period of 150 years .


  19. All efforts to pamper the Hungarians just make them complain all the more , in an annoying and disloyal way .


  20. Signs in the windows read , Rooms to let - no Coloureds ( or no Poles , no Hungarians ) .


  21. In succeeding centuries Venetians had to defend themselves many times against the Hungarians , and the Muslim Saracens .


  22. Britain , where men devoted 49 % of their free-time to the box , came a narrow second to the Hungarians with 51 % .


  23. With the Hungarian currency , the forint , plunging to record lows , many Hungarians are unable to pay-off their financial obligations .


  24. It has cut the deficit , not least by sequestering E10 billion ( $ 13.5 billion ) that Hungarians held in the private pillar of the state pension fund .


  25. Why were we for decades the main victims of the horrific massacre of the Jews by the Germans , Rumanians and Hungarians ?


  26. This week in the heart of civilized Europe Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube .


  27. It has imposed windfall taxes on the mainly foreign-owned banks and forced them to renegotiate the Swiss franc loans that many Hungarians unwisely took out over the past decade .


  28. The rest of the world may have forgotten , but Hungarians still remember the time when a large chunk of what is now Ukraine ( and a lot more besides ) was part of their old imperial kingdom .


  29. The worry is that these countries are fairly recent adherents to capitalism as witnessed by the suicidal tendency of Hungarians to finance their mortgages in hard currencies such as the Swiss franc .


  30. Once the Byzantines have expanded sufficiently they should set their sites on the Turks to the East whilst remaining wary of Hungarians to the North and the Italian factions to the West .
