
  • 网络己糖;六碳糖;已糖
  1. Amplification , cloning and expression of a gene encoding hexose transporter of Plasmodium falciparum


  2. Effect of oxygen on conversion of pentose and hexose to ethanol simultaneously in spent sulfite liquor


  3. Main Factors of Influence for Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose Producing Ethanol


  4. Decomposition kinetics of hexose catalyzed by strong acidic resins


  5. Roles of Hexose Transporters to the Growth and Alcoholic Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae


  6. Besides , pre-extraction hemicellulose contains large amounts sugar hydroxyl peak , and major in β hexose .


  7. However , the conventional method of ethanol fermentation with corns rich in hexose would face the foodstuff competition problem with human beings .


  8. The effects of some factors on fermentation system during co-fermentation of hexose and pentose to fuel ethanol were studied .


  9. Cytochalasin B , a kind of hexose transporter inhibitor , inhibited DHA entry into the cells .


  10. Increasing the production of arachidonic acid from Mortierella alpina by regulating the hexose monophosphate pathway


  11. The repression of hexose catabolite on pentose fermentation could be resolved by controlling the amount of air supply .


  12. Ethanol Continuous Fermentation of Pentose and Hexose by Pichia stipitis


  13. Isolation , Metabolism and Breeding of a Strain Producing Succinic Acid with Crop Straw Hydrolytes Including Pentose and Hexose


  14. The models for predicting the formation of pentose , hexose , furfural and HMF using modified activation energies were built .


  15. In the heart perfusion experiments , why did glucose uptake and glycolysis decrease ? Why did hexose monophosphates accumulate ?


  16. Enzyme Activity Analysis and Directive Breeding of Actinobacillus succinogenes Fermenting Crop Straw Hydrolysate Containing Pentose and Hexose for Production of Succinic Acid


  17. Sugar accumulation were different in different tissues , edible tissue ( juice sacs , segment epidermis ) major accumulated sucrose while peel major accumulated hexose .


  18. Sialic acid , fucose , hexose and hexosamine are the constituents of mucopolysaccharide .


  19. E. coli is capable of metabolizing both hexose and pentose sugars , but it lacks PDC-ADH II system .


  20. Like other organisms , pathogens may use gluconeogenesis to synthesize glucose from non-sugar compounds when there is not sufficient hexose in their niche .


  21. The wild-type strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae efficiently ferment hexose sugars to ethanol , but they are unable to utilize xylose .


  22. The most effective and cheapest method dealing with the lignocellulose leads to a mixture of pentose and hexose , which mainly include xylose and glucose .


  23. The components of hydrolytic product analyzed by mass spectrum showed that agarase A mainly produced tetrose and hexose , as long as a small amount of disaccharides .


  24. It is important that the mixed sugars of hexose and pentose are converted to ethanol simultaneously by recombinant yeasts with high substrate consumptions and ethanol yields .


  25. Results CAM has the inhibitory activities on the production of hexose within Pseudomonas aeruginosa BF at the concentration of 1 / 16 MIC and 1 / 4 MIC ;


  26. The conversion of both cellulose ( glucose ) and hemicellulose ( hexose and pentose ) containing in lignocellulose for fuel ethanol is being studied intensively .


  27. This may be ascribed to the induction of glucose kinase synthesis , leading to the improvement of hexose monophosphate ( HMP ) shunt flux and its specific activity greatly .


  28. The results showed that the main component of sugar in flesh tissue of both fruits of own-rooted and grafted watermelon fruit was sucrose and that in mesocarp tissue was hexose .


  29. The amino acid composition showed that this enzyme was rich in acidic amino acids and proline . In addition , it also contained 6 % hexose , 3.3 % sialic acid and 10 % hexosamine .


  30. Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by high glucose and NE in vitro Enzyme Activity Analysis and Directive Breeding of Actinobacillus succinogenes Fermenting Crop Straw Hydrolysate Containing Pentose and Hexose for Production of Succinic Acid
