
  • 网络己醛;已醛;正己醛;正已醛
  1. Quantitative measurement of hexanal by headspace analysis is a common technique .


  2. This study showed nonanal and hexanal might be a better peroxide index for shelf life of roasted almonds kernels .


  3. Determination of Microamounts of Gallium by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy after Extraction with 2 - Ethyl Hexanal


  4. Decomposition Activity of H_2O_2 over P-W-Heteropolyacid Catalysts for Catalytic Oxidation of Hexanol to Hexanal


  5. Hexanal , dodecanoic acid , Z-7-tetradecenoic acid and tetradecanoic acid were the common main compounds in the three jujube varieties . 3 .


  6. There were still a small amount of pentanal and hexanal and a little butyraldehyde , acetone , acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde .


  7. The apparent characteristic of the aroma of Biluochun Tea was high concentrations of hexanal and nonanal , besides linalool and geraniol .


  8. Hexanal was an intermediate of synthetic fragrance . Because of the high added value of oxidative dehydrogenation to hexanal , it was important significance to study this process of hexanol preparing hexanal by oxidative dehydrogenation .


  9. Hexanal had the highest concentrations and was the main body of the volatile flavor compounds in the aged brine , thus hexanal could be one of the indicators that can distinguish the fresh brine and the aged one .


  10. Based on the NBS standard mass spectral data and by integrating peak area method , the main constituents of beany flavor ( hexanal , 1-hexanol , 2-hexenal , 2-pentylfuran ) in each sample were quantified .


  11. The common constituents included ionone , hexanal , hexanol , hexenal , hexenol , lactones , terpenic alcohols , etc , which are major contributors to apricot aroma , but their contents are different in two cultivars .
