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  • 网络哈瓦斯通讯社
  1. W : So , what exactly is your role at Havas ?


  2. Havas Sports , an international sports marketing company based in Paris , helps companies use sporting events to reach new consumers .


  3. French advertising and public relations company Havas conducted the study , which sampled around 12000 people of mixed ages worldwide , the Daily Mail reported .


  4. Paul Frampton , chief executive of Havas Media Group UK , says they are " black boxes " that have too much power .


  5. Also a part of this study , Havas discovered that 20 per cent of men in the United Kingdom enjoyed the virtual world and social media compared to real-world interactions .


  6. Such is the argument of who cares wins , a new biz book and pseudo CSR manual by David Jones , CEO of the French advertising giant Havas .


  7. Chinese social media platform WeChat is better for marketers than Western offerings such as Facebook , the chief executive of Havas , a top advertising firm , told CNBC on last Monday .


  8. To address an image problem like this , you have to speak in the language of those you want to reach , says Fernando Rodes , chief executive of Havas , the communications group .
