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  • 网络黑根;哈根
  1. Sean Hagan , legal counsellor of the IMF , says that in Portugal there is now a big increase in out-of-court restructurings of corporate debt ( to circumvent the woefully slow court system ) .


  2. According to a Democratic source who said Kay Hagan talked about this still to be released letter at a fundraising event last week .


  3. When Ruth Hagan was seventy-eight years old , she visited her daughter Judy and teenage granddaughter Marcy in California .


  4. When Hagan Bayley , a professor of chemical biology , returned to Oxford from the US in 2003 , he had no particular interest in starting a business .


  5. Demoncratic Senator Kay Hagan is one of the sponsors of a bill that would freeze rates at the previous 3.4 % level for a year to allow lawmakers time to enact a more permanent solution .
