
  • 网络HSE management system;hsems
  1. 承包商的hse管理体系,手册及政策应完全符合所有相关法规要求。

    The contractor 's HSE management system , manuals and policies shall be in full compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements .

  2. 在工作过程中,实施hse管理体系文件的各个部门、基层单位和员工应及时向公司hse办公室反映存在的问题。

    During work procedure , all the departments , grassroots organizations and employees , which are responsible for the implementation of HSE management system , shall promptly report the problems existing in the system to HSE Office of the company .

  3. 如果新的培训仅为遵守业主hse管理体系、手册及政策所需且该等培训产生的合理费用已获业主预批,则业主应偿还承包商该等费用。

    Where the new training is required solely to comply with the company 's HSE management system , manuals and policies , the company shall reimburse the Contractor a reasonable cost incurred for such training subject to the company having pre-approved the cost .

  4. 承包商应视情况而定将业主或承包商hse管理体系、手册及政策及其任何修订告知承包商及分包商员工、雇员及代理人。

    The Contractor shall bring the company 's or the contractor 's HSE management system , manuals and policies , as the case may be , and any revision of the same , to the notice of the contractor 's and the subcontractor 's employees , servants and agents .