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  • abbr.高压空气瓶;高压集气瓶(High-Pressure Air Accumulator);高性能天线装置(High Performance Antenna Assembly)
  1. Influence of Swimming Exercise on Depression Rats Hippocampus and HPAA Function


  2. Conclusion An procedure for high purification of HpaA from inclusion body was developed .


  3. Results displayed that the purified HpaA protein was confirmed to have high immunogenicity .


  4. HpaA expression was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot .


  5. Cloning and expression of adhesion gene hpaA of Helicobacter pylori


  6. The main side effects have HPAA inhibition , osteoporosis , local irritation , fungal infection etc.


  7. Preparation and Identification of Recombinant Ghost Vaccine Expressing HpaA of Helicobacter Pylori


  8. Relationship between HPAA and cellular immunity in acute exacerbation of chronic cor pulmonale


  9. Analysis for purification of recombinant HpaA protein of Helicobacter pylori from inclusion bodies in gel slices


  10. Research on an Adhesin Gene hpaA of Helicobacter pylori


  11. Under stress , especially sports stress , changes and their mechanisms that happen to HPAA remain to be elucidated .


  12. The action of HPAA activity and NPY levels on T lymphocyte mitogenesis in the aged patients


  13. Construction and identification of a recombinant attenuated Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain expressing Helicobacter pylori hpaA gene


  14. Finally , the experiments on the different heuristic strategies show the effectiveness and reliability of HPAA when dealing with the large-scale problems .


  15. Cloning and expression of the adhesin gene HpaA from clinical strains of Helicobacter pylori and its diagnostic value


  16. The specific antibody titer was 1:16 in rabbit immunized with HpaA protein detected by double immunodiffusion ;


  17. This study provides a theoretical basis for using Yougui pill to treat the suppression of HPAA caused by exogenous glucocorticoid .


  18. Construction of hpaA Gene-Engineered Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium Vaccine Strain


  19. LA Nolan believed GC withdrawal is accompanied by short-or long-term secretion damage of HPAA capacity .


  20. Conclusion The nucleic acid vaccine pIRES hpaA was successfully constructed which may help the further investigation towards the immune action of the nucleic acid vaccine .


  21. Recently years , with the development of neuro-immune-endocrine theory , the function of Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis ( HPAA ) are paid more attention than before .


  22. And the H. pylori adhesion A ( HpaA ), one of the major adhesion factor , is a flagellar sheath protein of H. pylori .


  23. Conclusion : The successful expression and purification of the HpaA of H.pylori , provided antigen basis for the development of the vaccine and the diagnostic reagent for H.pylori infection .


  24. The purpose of TCM treatment based on syndrome differentiation is to begin to adjust the balance of kidney yin and yang , so that the HPAA function can be resumed .


  25. ConclusionThese results suggested that one of the possible mechanism of the Triptolide in the HPAA might be exciting pituitary ACTH neurons , thus causing the content of ACTH increasing .


  26. The tested scale inhibitors have no ideal anti-scaling effectiveness when pH value of recycle water is nine , but a synergistic effect is obvious when FG-01 is combined with HPAA .


  27. GC withdrawal after long-term treatment can reduce the HPAA reaction to endogenous or exogenous stimuli both in people and mice . This functional change reflects in the various levels of organs on the HPAA .


  28. The results show that trichloroisocyanuric acid could decompose phosphonate corrosion and scale inhibitors and the order of decomposition of the inhibitors is PAPEMP > HPAA > HEDP > PBTCA .


  29. Objective To construct the prokaryotic expression vector for fusion gene of VacA and HpaA of Helicobacter pylori , induce the expression of VacA-HpaA fusion protein and study the antigenicity and immunogenicity of expressed product .


  30. Conclusions Oral immunization of mice with bivalent UreB / HpaA live vaccine could induce protective immunity against H. pylori , and the protection rate of bivalent vaccine appears to be higher than that of monovalent vaccine .
