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  1. King athamus of northern Greece had two children , Phrixus and Helle .


  2. There could be genetic or social differences among the Sami , who are distinct from their Finnish and Swedish neighbors , Helle said .


  3. After the successful , the treatment group and control group Qi spirit by renal bone soup , Jane helle treatment .


  4. She has been nicknamed " Gucci Helle ' by the media due to her preference for designer gear .


  5. Denmark 's first female prime minister , Helle Thorning-Schmidt , has claimed victory in a general election with the centre-left taking power after a decade in opposition .


  6. As they flew over the strait that divides Asia from Europe , Helle , faint at the vast expanse of water below , fell into the sea and was drowned .


  7. Helle Dale , a U.S. foreign policy expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation , says while McCain does share some major priorities with President Bush , he is harder to pinpoint on the ideological spectrum .


  8. Helle Thorning-Schmidt , Prime Minister of Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt was elected first female prime minister of Denmark in 2011 , breaking the grip of center-right parties on this Scandinavian nation and bringing the social democrats back into the government after a decade of opposition .
