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  • 网络核心抗体;抗体;乙型肝炎病毒核心抗体;乙肝核心抗体;乙型肝炎核心抗体
  1. Results HBsAg 、 HBcAb was positive of 275 patients ;


  2. HBcAb was regarded as the primary screening index of HBV replication .


  3. Detection of serum HBsAg HBsAb and HBcAb in 100 cases of primary liver cancer


  4. Relationship Between Tongue Manifestations and Immune Function in Chronic Hepatitis B with HBsAg , HBeAg and HBcAb Positive


  5. In this case , the hepatitis B surface antigen ( HbsAg ) and hepatitis B core antibody ( HbcAb ) were positive .


  6. Preliminary studies on micro-solid phase ( polytyrene beads ) radioimmunoassay for the detection of HBcAb


  7. Human HBcAb were purified by affinity chromatography and Fab fragments were extracted with SPA-Sepharose 4B ;


  8. The positive rate with HBsAg in Clonorchis sinensis infected individuals was 20.9 % and that with HBcAb was 40.3 % .


  9. Results : In HBsAb , HBeAg and HBcAb positive samples , positive rate of pre-S1 was 85.2 % , HBV-DNA was 90.3 % .


  10. Gastric mucosal HBsAg positive rate was closely related to positive items of HBsAg , HBsAb , HBeAg , HBeAb , HBcAb in blood ( P < 0.01 ) .


  11. Methods Patients were divided into 3 groups according to HBV markers determined by microparticle enzyme immunoassay ( MEIA ): HBsAg + , HBeAg + , HBcAb + ( group A );


  12. 76 fetuses whose HBV-M positive in cord blood had 8 type HBV-M : 36 HBeAb ( + ) and HBcAb ( + )( 47.4 % );


  13. In other positive modes of HBV-marker , the Pre-S_1 antigen positive rates was 20.00 ~ 30.80 % , a case of HBcAb + patients was Pre-S_1 antigen negative .


  14. Results : Pre-S1 protein , Pre-S2 protein and HBV-DNA positive rates of sample with positive HBsAg , HBeAg , HBcAb markers were 69.5 % , 42.9 % and 86.7 % respectively ;


  15. The patients with HBsAg " + " were 275 ( 96.5 % ), Only HBcAb " + " or all HBV M " - " was 5 respectively ( 1.75 % ) .


  16. Objectives To express hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) core protein ( HBcAg ) in Pichia pastoris and explore the application of the product for immunoassay of anti-HBc antibody (( HBcAb ) . )


  17. The combination model of serologic markers for HBsAg positive had 5 types , the highest positive rate of HBsAg with HBcAb was 39.0 % , the next with HBeAb and HBcAb was 36.6 % .


  18. In the 150 patients with positive HBsAg , HBeAb and HbcAb , 56 were found positive pre-S1 , and the positive rate was 37.33 % . 61 cases were HBV-DNA-positive with the positive rate of 40.67 % .


  19. Conclusion It is a high risk factor for the cardiac tissue of the dead fetus infected by HBcAg by maternal fetal transmission that HBV M ( HBcAg + HBeAg + HBcAb ) is positive expression in the blood of the parturients before delivery .


  20. The consistency rates of HBsAg , HBeAg and HBcAb positive mode , HBsAg , HBcAb positive mode and the HBsAg , HBeAb , HBcAb positive mode to HBV DNA positivity were 94.38 % , 38.56 % and 27.30 % respectively .


  21. A study of the gastric mucosal HBsAg in 30 patients with gastric diseases ( 17 cases relating to hepatitis or positive HBsAg , HBsAb , HBeAg , HBeAb and HBcAb , and 13 cases nothing relating to them ) was made by immuno-histochemical methods .


  22. S : Objective To investigate the role of serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor ( sIL-2R ) in patients with hepatitis B core antibody ( anti-HBc ) positive ( HBcAb + ) and patients with anti-HBc negative ( HbcAb - ), and change of hepatitis B virus DNA ( HBV-DNA ) .


  23. Objective To examine the cause of rare serological pattern in a HBV carrier with HBsAg ( - ) / HBeAg ( + ) / HBcAb ( + ) / preS1Ag ( + ), and study the alterations of HBV serological markers and HBV-DNA level in the carriers .
