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  • 网络欧洲分子生物学实验室;欧洲分子生物实验室;数据库;序列数据库;生物实验室
  1. Sequence and intron analysis were based on NCBI database and EMBL database resource .


  2. Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ( EMBL ) discovered a new way to make use of drugs'unwanted side effects .


  3. A team of EMBL researchers now developed a computational tool that compares side effects to test if they can predict common targets of drugs .


  4. Comparison among cDNA of P falciparum from GenBank of EMBL showed that no sequence identical to this cDNA was found .


  5. Methods β - actin pseudogenes were found out with bioinformatics databases such as EMBL , PSEUDOGENE .


  6. Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ( EMBL ) in Grenoble , France , have visualised one such hand-over .


  7. Physicists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ( EMBL ) have developed a state-of-the-art microscope that gives scientists a much deeper look into living organisms than ever before .


  8. 100 SSR sequences were isolated and cloned by adaptation of SAM techniques and another one was obtained by searching the NCBI and EMBL databases . There were 101 SSR sequences together used for design of special primers .


  9. Sequence analysis revealed that 28 clones were from previously described genes , but the remaining 7 clones did not match any sequences in GenBank / EMBL / DDBJ database , indicating that they may be novel genes .


  10. In this paper , 120 Expressed Sequence Taqs ( ESTs ) were gained from 150 clones which were selected randomly and sequenced at the 5 ' end . The sequences were submitted to the EMBL database .


  11. Comparison between MOPB04_ 600 and 455,972 sequences from GenBank + EMBL + DDBJ + PPB revealed that the homology were low ( less than 30 % ) . This implied that it was a newly found DNA sequence .
