Grand Cru

美 [ɡrænd kruː]英 [ɡrænd kruː]
  • 网络列级名庄;特级葡萄园;特级;顶级葡萄园;列级酒庄
Grand CruGrand Cru
  1. Besides normal A.O.C. rank , CHABLIS also have higher classes , namely , Premier Cru and Grand Cru .


  2. This is thanks to Asian demand , primarily for top red Bordeaux , but also a growing thirst for Grand Cru Burgundy .


  3. So while a national governing board will not touch the grand cru , the top wines , it is recommending changes that may force thousands of acres of poor quality vineyards out of production .


  4. Among the items on offer in Hong Kong : Six bottles of 1999 Roman é e-Conti Grand Cru paired with a Manchester United shirt from the team 's Champions League triumph in 1999 .


  5. The Grand Cru of the South of France , described as " Exceptional " by Robert Parker , is one of the pioneers of the renaissance of quality wines in Languedoc .


  6. New interest from Asia , Russia and , increasingly , Latin America has put extraordinary pressure on prices of the traditional trophy wines , the Bordeaux first growths and most sought-after Grand Cru burgundies .
