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  • abbr.GMAC公司;空军一级接受司令部(Gaining Major Air Command)
  1. The break with ETS led to a substantial increase in staff for GMAC .


  2. It 's clear the loss was driven by an accounting requirement , and a significant loss in GMAC business .


  3. A group of investors led by Cerberus holds a majority stake in GMAC .


  4. Figures from GMAC support her comments .


  5. Some 60 per cent of those students choose to study in the UK , France and Spain , according to GMAC .


  6. GMAC 's own research shows that 60 to 100 hours of study can improve a person 's score by an average of 30 points .


  7. The board made its decision after its Genetic Modifications Advisory Committee ( GMAC ) analysed the risk factors for the experiment .


  8. Once in charge of GMAC , Wilson immediately applied his accounting skills to his biggest cost center , ETS .


  9. In contrast , the main concern for men is the outcome , or job prospects , following a degree , according to GMAC .


  10. Having the professional credential was critical to 51 % of women MBA candidates surveyed by GMAC .


  11. The single biggest contributor to the growth of the organization took place in 2003 , when GMAC broke with ETS .


  12. Dave Wilson , chief executive of GMAC , suggests doing 100-120 hours of preparation over seven to 10 weeks .


  13. In 2012 , GMAC 's total compensation amounted to $ 25.9 million for a staff that numbered only 141 people .


  14. By all accounts , Wilson has done a spectacular job in making GMAC a highly professional organization with a secure financial footing .


  15. What 's more , at least 15 other officials at GMAC make at least a quarter of a million dollars a year in pay .


  16. GMAC , that only too recently near-bankrupt finance company , carries recently upgraded B ratings from the rating services .


  17. Margaret Jobst , an executive vice president , made $ 539058 , according to GMAC 's government filing .


  18. But GMAC says that , while market penetration in China could reach levels elsewhere in Asia , it is unlikely to match us or European levels .


  19. For his successor , there is much uncertainty at GMAC . Can the organization find a way to test for innovation and creativity in prospective students ?


  20. GMAC defends those salaries , saying that they are not out of line with what peer organizations pay their top leaders .


  21. Michael Klein , co-head of Citigroup 's investment banking and trading group , is a member of GMAC 's board .


  22. Typically , GMAC takes back vehicles at the end of leases and sells them to dealers at discounted prices based on estimated values .


  23. Moreover , 47 per cent of those who did hire MBA graduates last year told GMAC they would not consider employing graduates born outside the US .


  24. Such generous compensation and treatment at a non-profit comes largely because of GMAC 's near-monopoly on the entrance test for graduate business programs .


  25. GMAC , set up in1919 to provide financing to buyers of GM vehicles , made $ 50.8 billion in loans for new and used vehicles last year .


  26. Among other things , he noticed that ETS was selling 140,000 copies of three guidebooks with the GMAC imprimatur .


  27. The research from GMAC shows that the schools that succeed in attracting the most female applicants are those that have targeted outreach programmes .


  28. All told , GMAC reported that its " program service revenue " came to $ 92.7 million in 2012 , up from $ 88.5 million a year earlier .


  29. The reported expenses on the test do not include another very big line item in the organization 's budget : its salaries and benefits to GMAC staffers .


  30. When you kick in other revenue , GMAC recorded total revenue in 2012 of $ 125.1 million , up from $ 92.7 million a year earlier .
