Forward Secrecy

美 [ˈfɔːrwərd ˈsiːkrəsi]英 [ˈfɔːwəd ˈsiːkrəsi]
  • 网络向安全性;前向安全;正向加密;正向安全
Forward SecrecyForward Secrecy
  1. But signcryption schemes cannot provide forward secrecy and public verifiability as the traditional method does .


  2. It is provably secure in the standard model . CL-AK protocol provides perfect forward secrecy .


  3. The new scheme provides implicit key authentication and perfect forward secrecy etc.


  4. The scheme provides group key secrecy , forward secrecy and backward secrecy .


  5. A Study on Forward Secrecy of Cryptographic Protocols


  6. A Forward Secrecy Protocol Based on D-H PKE System


  7. The new protocol can use a week password to create the contributory , forward secrecy the session key .


  8. It is also shown that the new protocol achieves perfect forward secrecy and KGC-forward secrecy . 4 .


  9. Cryptanalysis and improvement of a WTLS handshake protocol with user anonymity and forward secrecy


  10. The protocol can provide identity authentication , key validation , perfect forward secrecy , and foil man-in-the-middle attacks .


  11. Furthermore , this scheme provides strong forward secrecy , strong backward secrecy , key independence and statelessness . 2 .


  12. Aim In order to solve the trouble of the lack of forward secrecy and intermediator attack in current WTLS protocol .


  13. It provides not only the capability of forward secrecy and key authentication , but also the capability against passive attack and man-in-middle attack .


  14. So the new protocol achieves key independence , and it provides perfect forward secrecy , KGC-forward secrecy and resistance to passive and active attacks as well .


  15. The PAGKA protocol suite is communication efficient , and has the following cryptographic properties such as key independence , implicit key authentication , perfect forward secrecy and resistance .


  16. Next , based on CPK , we propose an efficient two-round group key exchange protocol ( GKA ) and present its proof of forward secrecy under the CDH assumption .


  17. Secondly , the UAP protocol is analysed , because the key confirmation completely lies on the long-term private key , so it does not achieve forward secrecy , and resists key-compromise impersonation .


  18. The formal analysis based on the model mentioned above proves that the scheme satisfies the security requirements such as known key security , key compromise impersonation resilience , perfect forward secrecy , PKG forward secrecy etc.3 .


  19. By formalizing the security properties of group key management , we prove that the CRMS-based scheme satisfies the desired properties , such as group key secrecy , forward secrecy , backward secrecy and collusion freedom .


  20. Meanwhile , the new protocol can prevent various attacks , including known-key attack and off-line guessing attack , and achieves forward secrecy . To compare with related protocols , the new protocol has better computation efficiency . 2 .


  21. The GKA protocol supports multiple member join / leave operations efficiently and only needs small amount of computation and communication to renew the group key . At the same time , it also assures backward secrecy and forward secrecy .


  22. The analysis of this new protocol shows that the protocol is secure against stolen-verifier attack , dictionary attack , and the Denning - Sacco attack , and provides the property of the perfect forward secrecy . 2 .


  23. When recovering the secret , the system does not need all the participants being on line At the same time , the sub-secret does not need security channel to distribute . 3 . A proxy signature scheme with forward secrecy property .


  24. Besides key authentication and key confirmation , a number of desirable security attributes have been identified for key agreement protocols : known-session key security , forward secrecy , resistance to key-compromise impersonation attack , resistance to unknown key-share attack and no key control .
