European Monetary Union

美 [ˌjʊrəˈpiːən ˈmɑːnɪteri ˈjuːniən]英 [ˌjʊərəˈpiːən ˈmʌnɪtri ˈjuːniən]
  • 网络欧洲货币联盟;欧洲货币同盟
European Monetary UnionEuropean Monetary Union
  1. European Monetary Union is the typical model of the financial development from inside to outside .


  2. The Legal Protection of European Monetary Union


  3. III External aspects of euro and EMU ( European Monetary Union )


  4. No one thinks that Asia is in any shape to replicate the European Monetary Union .


  5. All of this does not mean that the European Monetary Union is likely to fail .


  6. The project of European Monetary Union is entering the most dangerous phase in its 11-year history .


  7. There was no plan for a eurozone break-up when the European Monetary Union was created .


  8. In particular , we are watching with interest the economic convergence for European Monetary Union on 1 January next year .


  9. The guardians of European Monetary Union are now held hostage to Greek taxpayers .


  10. The theory of optimum currency area provides a theoretical basis and practical guideline for the establishment & development of the European Monetary union .


  11. Germany was the first in the European Monetary Union to break the stability and growth pact rules on deficits and debt .


  12. It presented faulty information about its deficits in 2001 when attempting to secure membership of the European Monetary Union .


  13. With euro bills and coins now circulating across much of Europe , the European Monetary Union is fully in place .


  14. The European Monetary Union ( EMU ) plays a significant role in the economic and social development of the European Community ( EC ) .


  15. Evolution of European Monetary Union ( EMU ) and Retrospection on the Fourth Anniversary of the Birth of the Euro


  16. Miscommunication has bedevilled European Monetary Union .


  17. As for the Brits , small wonder Prime Minister David Cameron regards the crisis of the European Monetary Union as a huge political opportunity .


  18. The patterns of economic ups and downs remain far more diverse in the European Monetary Union countries , and it is not clear that this will change soon .


  19. Raise real wages and cut value added tax : Germany owes it to itself and the world after such a long period of adjustment to both unification and European Monetary Union .


  20. The country qualified for the European Monetary Union ( EMU ) in 1998 and began circulating the euro on 1 January 2002 along with 11 other EU member economies .


  21. The article is mainly divided into five parts : In the first part , I introduce the theoretical foundation of European Monetary Union ( EMU ) including the development and the main content of the theory .


  22. By far , Euro and the European Monetary Union is the largest and broadest practice of monetary integration theory . This provides a good opportunity to verify many old theories of the Euro .


  23. Money and Banking in the last hours , I understand that the operation of the European Monetary Union in a way which at the same time thought about the possibility of an Asian Monetary Union .


  24. Fortunately , threats to European Monetary Union , so far , have been successfully fended off by the Herculean actions of the European Community assisted by the International Monetary Fund .


  25. He has managed to re-establish the Bundesbank as the conscience of European monetary union , and the guardian of the heritage of the Deutschmark , he says .


  26. Greece 's debt crisis returned to financial markets with a vengeance as agitated investors demanded the highest premiums to buy its government bonds since the launch of European monetary union over a decade ago .


  27. Yet for eurozone countries such as Greece , this lesson is tantalising because the European Monetary Union is a much tougher discipline than the gold standard , with no provision for exit from the single currency .


  28. Chapter 3 Euro and Financial Globalization , based on reviewing the process of evolution of European Monetary Union , analyzes the impacts of regional monetary integration on European regional economic integration , reveals the interactive relations between European regional monetary integration and financial globalization .


  29. The third part summarizes the characteristics of the European Monetary Union , including the monetary policy manipulated by the European Central Bank , and the fiscal policy decentralized by the member states , and the paradox of the EU fiscal policy and monetary policy .


  30. The Power System of the European Economic and Monetary Union
