Ecological Education

美 [ˌiːkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn]英 [ˌiːkəˈlɒdʒɪkl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn]
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Ecological EducationEcological Education
  1. The next part is the theory of ecological education .


  2. Then , the practice of ecological education is analyzed .


  3. The Thinking of Status and System Construction of Ecological Education in Higher School


  4. Implement Ecological Education and Perfect Forestry Training in the New Period


  5. Ecological Education : the New Research Topic of the Politics Class of Universities


  6. To solve these problems , by promoting ecological education is an important means .


  7. Ecological education is a new subject of ideological and political work in universities .


  8. Dialogue : Relationship between Teacher and Student in the Perspective of Ecological Education


  9. On the Fundamental Principles of Ecological Education Ideology


  10. His ecological education has an important meaning on the modern construction of the eco-civilization .


  11. Discussion on the Wetland Ecological Education


  12. This article is a discussion on chemistry experiment in teaching junior high school students using ecological education technique .


  13. Finally , the paper explained the trend of ecological education modernization , globalization and popularity .


  14. In ecological education behavior , preschool education teachers and : elementary school have a low score .


  15. China 's ecological education should use for reference the ideas , concepts and measures of Russian ecological education .


  16. The community-based ecological education is not only an important component of community education , but also a part of the ecological education career .


  17. ⑹ Valuing ecological education and raising ecological diathesis . On the Meaning of Human Quality and Enhancement of Ecological Awareness


  18. Finally , ecological education ideas absorbed the nutrients of Oriental and indigenous ( especially Indian ) philosophy and religion .


  19. The need for strict law enforcement , promote low-carbon tourism and ecological education , promoting the formation of public awareness of environmental compliance .


  20. Eco-tourism is a tendency of tourism development in the 21st century , and a new form of tourism incorporating sightseeing , environmental protection and ecological education .


  21. With the in-depth research on the educational ecology , ecological education has become a hot topic in the education field , the ecology of education is becoming the direction of the development of education .


  22. In China , there is little literature on pre-school education for the young children to be self-manageable , not to mention the study on this issue from the perspective of the ecological education .


  23. Ecological education is an important issue in the process of education modernization , by analyzing the ecological education can help people to seize the directions of education very well , especially to the university education with guidance function .


  24. This paper bring the concept of " ecological education " into primary and secondary school art teaching theory ( the fine arts teaching theory course of high school arts department ) with the theory and method of eco-art .


  25. The model is constructed with the concept of ecological education and life experience as the core , with the aesthetic activities for the teaching process . The Characteristics is experience , aesthetic , the principal of the life and Integrity .


  26. In this paper , the author points out the definition and intention of ecological education , and historical background , status and tend of the ecological education of the world , as well as the idea of ecological education of China .


  27. He treated education from ecological education , and paid attention to the multi-comprehensive analysis of education , especially the social environment of education . He noticed the educational function of the family environment , school environment and other educational institutions outside the school .


  28. Secondly , in the junior middle school thought personal character class try through life education , friendship , affection education education , patriotic education and ecological education emotional education , as the junior middle school thought personal character class implementation emotion education content author .


  29. We analysis the conception , connotation , historical background and the status and problems of ecological education in China , expatiate the principle and content of system construction in ecological education . We put forward the countermeasure and measure that ensure the system to construct smoothly .


  30. The developing tendency of Chinese university education needs been guided by the ecological education , which means humane education and scientific education should be fused reasonably , which can make the education return ecological state . This is the major guarantee of modern education in developing reasonably .
