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  • abbr.电子离散变量自动计算机(一级存储程序数字计算机)(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer);电子数据变量自动计算机(Electronic Datum Variable Automatic Calculator);电子数字-微调模拟计算机(Electronic Digital-Vernier Analog Computer)
  1. These instructions could be combined to create useful programs for the EDVAC to run .


  2. The EDVAC - the Electronic Discrete Variable Calculator - was the planned ' second electronic machine ' .


  3. For one thing , it brought about the first federal funding for a machine on the lines of the EDVAC .


  4. Even the EDVAC proposals carried the feeling that the pulses in the delay lines would somehow actually be numbers .


  5. But the attached note outlined the specification of a computer on the EDVAC model , and thus entirely different from the ACE .


  6. Whatever ideas had flowed westwards , the Draft Report on the EDVAC was the first to put them together in writing .


  7. This was an attractively cheap solution within the existing technology , and had been provisionally adopted in the Draft Report on the EDVAC .


  8. For another , it inspired Wilkes with great enthusiasm for putting his wartime electronic experience to work in building a British version of the EDVAC .


  9. However , the ACE proposal was effectively self-contained , and its roots lay not in the EDVAC , but in his own universal machine .


  10. The Draft Report on the EDVAC was there at the NPL , and Alan continued to make use of its notation for logical networks .


  11. Indeed , it was probably only the existence of the ENIAC and the EDVAC idea that made possible the next stage of Alan Turing 's life .


  12. Womersley also coined a more happy acronym for the Turing electronic computer project than the soulless ENIAC and EDVAC .


  13. This was quite different from the EDVAC conception , in which all the arithmetic would be done by shunting numbers in and out of a central ' accumulator ' .


  14. JRW shows Turing the first report on the EDVAC and persuades him to join NPL staff , arranges interview and convinces Director and Secretary .


  15. It was obvious - but wrong . In March and April 1945 , the ENIAC team had prepared a proposal , the Draft Report on the EDVAC .


  16. Thus von Neumann and Wiener corresponded in connection with the potential of the planned EDVAC , but mostly in terms of the faculty of conditional branching corresponding to ' feedback ' .


  17. McCulloch and Pitts had been inspired by Computable Numbers , and so in a very indirect way , the EDVAC proposal owed something to the concept of the Turing machine .


  18. The line between ' mathematics ' and ' engineering ' was one of these , Eckert and Mauchly having split off to found their own company , and a patent suit over aspects of the EDVAC design being in progress .


  19. Since these primitive logical operations ( absent from the EDVAC draft design ) were incorporated in his plan for the ACE , he could indeed have omitted adders and multipliers , and still have had a universal machine .


  20. He agreed with von Neumann , who in the EDVAC report had referred to the future possibility of developing a special ' Iconoscope ' or television screen , for storing digits in the form of a pattern of spots .


  21. He was in touch with Womersley at once , but the ENIAC and EDVAC plans were secret until the spring of 1946 , and only then could Hartree tell him about what he had seen in 1945 .


  22. The Draft Report on the EDVAC did carry a more theoretical burden ( one reflecting von Neumann 's interests ) in that it drew attention to the analogy between a computer , and the human nervous system . The use of the word ' memory ' was an aspect of this .


  23. and in February 1945 , Womersley had been packed off on a two-month tour of the computing installations of the United States , where on 12 March he was the first non-American to be allowed access to the ENIAC , and to be informed of the EDVAC report .
