
  1. 另外,要注意在Linux中较低的delta值代表较高的优先级。

    Note also that in Linux , a lower delta value means a higher priority .

  2. 期权类金融工具的应用可以通过计算delta值,动态的调整头寸,来实现最优套期保值。

    The application of financial engineering implement in options can realize optimal hedge by delta calculation and dynamic regulation of position .

  3. 当实现对等边三角形和等腰三角形的测试时,我认识到我只用了delta值来用于直角三角形的计算。

    As I implemented the tests for equilateral and isosceles triangles , I realized that I was using only the delta value for calculations in right triangles .

  4. 此外,delta是优先级的值&这一次是从-20到20。

    Again , delta is the priority value & this time in the range-20 to20 .