- n.保加利亚;公报;营建军士(小型工程);散装;大宗

These include the centuries-old custom of " bul " , where leaders would call a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish stocks an opportunity to replenish .
The two bul 's-eye lamps are also provided . Several small lights blink .
Bul think I got all the hot sauce out .
The network of libraries is not only the network of documents , bul the network of library services as well .
The solution to light pollution is to use lower-wattage outdoor bul and full cutoff shielding .
In the eleventh year in the month of Bul , the eighth month , the temple was finished in all its details according to its specifications .
Compared with other methods of preprocessing figures , Kriging is not only a mathematical method , bul also takes into account the geological features of the area under study , and the randomness and relativity of the regionalized variables .
The Luxi Cattle is one of the five big good stud bul 1 s in our country , It is the primitive burden cattle species , is one of the image specieses of the Chinese beef cattle species .