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  • abbr.BMR公司;保养与维修应急储备(Backlog of Maintenance and Repair);基本军事需求(Basic Military Requirement);海滩勤务队队长
  1. Determine your body 's BMR ( Basal Metabolic Rate ) .


  2. To master the basic metabolic rate ( BMR ) and its significance .


  3. Calculate your BMR using the following equations :


  4. What is said above confirmed that change of liver property is one of important cellular mechanism for BMR . 6 .


  5. Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Multidrug Resistance bmr Gene in Bacillus subtilis


  6. Comprehensively , the prediction of Henry-equation was closer to measured BMR in Chinese adult population .


  7. Also , the basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) of each child was determined with open circuit indirect calorimetry .


  8. Objective To estimate the validation of BMR predictive equations applied in Chinese population and to analyze racial and climatic influence on BMR .


  9. BMR is influenced by menstrual cycles , shows a slight premenstrual rise and a 7.2 % menstrual depression .


  10. Objective To study the correlation between children ′ s basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) and body composition and provide basal data for the clinic application of BMR .


  11. The diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis depended primarily upon the signs and symptoms of the patient with the evaluation of BMR before being controlled by drugs .


  12. Conclusions in urban area parents determined infant feeding patter , which benefited and promoted the raise in BMR and the improvement of infant grouth and development .


  13. Once you have your BMR number , multiply it by one of these figures depending on how active you are . The result is your total caloric intake .


  14. WOMEN : ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) + 655 = BMR


  15. MEN : ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in years ) + 66 = BMR


  16. In female children leptin was positively correlated with BMI , % BF , FM and BMR ( P 0.05 ), but not correlated with energy intake ( P 0.05 ) .


  17. According to the physical relationship between AC system and DC system , the interface equation is developed , and Bidirectional Module Reduction ( BMR ) is used to electromechanical transient simulation of AC / DC hybrid power system .


  18. In BMR there are 1 056 species of vascular plants , belonging to 556 genera and 154 families . The vascular plants may be grouped into a single division , the Tracheophyta .


  19. Sedentary = BMR x 1.2 , Light Active = BMR x 1.375 , Moderate Active = BMR x 1.55 , Very Active = BMR x 1.725Extra Active = BMR x 1.9


  20. Result : Concentration of IL-6 and CRP in the serum were decreased in the MP group ( P < 0.05 ), which showed lower temperature and BMR within the first three days after the operation ( P < 0.05 ) .


  21. The physical activity level ( PAL ) and energy cost for physical activity ( ECPA ) were estimated from the ratio of TEE to BMR and TEE - ( BMR × 0.1TEE ) separately .


  22. Dietary intake was surveyed by weighing method . Results : When expressed as kJ / h , BMR , RMR , energy expenditure of standardized cycling were significantly higher ( P < 0.05 ) in obese children than in nonobese ones .


  23. It was shown that the level of serum r-GT directly correlated with BMR , and the level of T_3 and T_4 . The Authors consider that the measurement of serum r-GT can help the diagnosis and observation of the patient suffering from hyperthyroidism without complications .


  24. The energy assimilation was 2 . 3 × BMR ( basal metabolic rate ) during peak lactation , rarely approaching to their physiological limit ; and digestibility and assimilation rate maintained at high level , indicating that the digestive tract might be adjusted during lactation period .
