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  • abbr.航母“好人理查德号”(Bon Homme Richard)
  1. Conclusion BHR may be controlled by a single major gene .


  2. BHR and total IgE may be under separate genetic control .


  3. Results BHR of youths in military service didn 't coincided with normal distribution .


  4. This study was conducted to evaluate predictive factors of bronchial hyperresponsiveness ( BHR ) in patients with CRSNP .


  5. Objectives To investigate the effect of basic blood pressure ( BBP ) and basic heart rate ( BHR ) on the tilt-testing result .


  6. The present study suggests that BDP used at doses of 200g / d can improve lung function and reduce BHR in children with mild asthma .


  7. It is concluded that BDP at a lower dose of 200 μ g can control the clinical asthmatic symptoms , improve lung function and decrease BHR .


  8. In their multi-harmonic SCs ( MHSC ), although the pedigree characters are similar to BHR , yet present remarkably the timbre variation .


  9. Objective To determine the relationship of sensitization to individual allergens , and the development of asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness ( BHR ) in schoolchildren from Guangzhou .


  10. To study the relationship between asthma and bronchial hyper responsiveness ( BHR ) . THE RELATION BETWEEN OF BRONCHIAL HYPER RESPONSIVENESS AND SEVERAL NEUROPEPTIDES IN ASTHMATIC PATIENTS


  11. Conclusions The military youths with low BHR level may have high prevalence rate of SB and OSB . This fact may be related to both the training intensity and the length of training course .


  12. Serum total IgE by ELISA and bronchial hyperresponsiveness ( BHR ) were detected in asthma pedigree members . Genetics pattern of BHR and serum total IgE was analysed .


  13. BHR was found in 79 . 6 % patients with chronic cough , 62 . 7 % with dyspnea , and that the total effective rate was 92 . 4 % in those under bronchodilator therapy .


  14. The adaptive dynamic branch prediction mechanism has been improved and fuzzy weight mechanism has been introduced . Every bit of the BHR has a different weight and dynamically changed by a adjust gene . The prediction result was given through fuzzy consequence .


  15. Methods A double blind , randomized study was conducted to compare the effects of beclomethasone dry powder ( BDP , 600 μ g / day ) inhalation with placebo on BHR and asthmatic symptoms in 59 students ( 12 ~ 18 yrs ) for one year .


  16. Methods The animal model of immune mediated aplastic anemia was established to observe the effect of BHR on it , and the therapeutic mechanism was explored viewing from the aspects of hemopoietic stem / ancestor culture , adhesive function of bone marrow stromal cells and hemopoietic regulatory factors .
