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  • 网络对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯;对苯二甲酸双羟乙酯;对苯二甲酸二乙二醇酯;对苯二酸双羟乙酯;对苯二甲酸羟乙酯
  1. Discussion on factors influencing BHET production and quality with PTA semi-continuous process


  2. The DCS Control of BHET 's Production Process


  3. The reaction distillation was used for synthesis of polymer monomer BHET . The process was simulated by using ASPEN PLUS .


  4. The catalytic activity of the composite catalysts was evaluated based on DSC method . The results showed that the catalyst with the amorphous structure exhibited higher activity for BHET polycondensation .


  5. According to the technical requirements of BHET , this paper selects JX - 300 DCS control system to make control for its production process , and introduces the functions , the structure of hardware and the design process of software of JX - 300 DCS control system .


  6. With the consideration of all the reactions involved in the polyesterification of BHET ( bis - β - hydroxyethyl terepliathalate ) such as the primary forward polycondensation reaction , its reverse reaction and the cracking reaction , a kinetic equation was derived .
