Atacama Desert
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The Namib Desert in Africa and the Atacama Desert in Chile are examples of coastal deserts .
A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile 's Atacama Desert .
Most specifically , the driest part of the country is the Atacama Desert .
More than one thousand journalists traveled to the mine in the Atacama Desert to report on the rescue .
Several major telescopes in Chile 's Atacama Desert have escaped damage , according to the European Southern Observatory managing them .
The Atacama Desert in Chile is one of the driest places on Earth , receiving less than a millimeter of rain each year .
Tourists career down a mountainous sand dune in the aptly named Valley of the Moon region of Chile 's Atacama Desert .
Herman and Candelaria Zapp in2000 in the Atacama Desert , Chile .
There is a small village named XXXX in the north of Republic of Chile , with the Pacific Ocean on its west and Atacama Desert on its north .
Lush fur and watchful eyes help this gray fox survive in the harsh , often cold climate of Chile 's Atacama Desert , the driest place on Earth .
Photograph by Joel Sartore A vizcacha , close relative of the chinchilla , rests on an outcropping in Chile 's Atacama Desert .
The soil in La Joya Pampas - a sector of the Atacama Desert in southern Peru that 's considered one of the driest places on earth - is very similar to that found on the Red Planet .
As the sun sets over the Atacama Desert in Chile each reliably cloudless night , dazzling ruby red and garnet hues paint the volcanic Andes Mountain peaks in the eastern skyline , deepening almost imperceptibly until they are indistinguishable from black .