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  • 网络阿尔达;埃达;安德电器;旅游发展协会;阿达
  1. Franco Arda says Financial Intelligence will help readers quickly understand many of the major areas of accounting .


  2. FRANCO ARDA : Within an hour , you kind of get the idea of accounting , very quickly and not in a boring way .


  3. The world was called Arda .


  4. Local journalists were also keen to see if Hodgson held any interest in Galatasaray 's Turkish superstar Arda Turan .


  5. Ahmet Arda , managing director of AMR Resources , says his company has accelerated the production of rare earths in southern Turkey to take advantage of the shortage .


  6. And seeing now his time he drew near again to Arda , and looked down upon it , and the beauty of the Earth in its Spring filled him the more with hate .


  7. Franco Arda is the company 's founder and publisher . He used to work as an investment banker . He started the company three years ago with his own money . He wanted to create picture books that increase understanding .


  8. Franco Arda is the founder and head of SmarterComics . He formerly worked as an investment banker . He started the company almost three years ago with his own money . He wanted to create educational comics that increase understanding .
