Alstonia scholaris

  • 网络糖胶树;灯架树;盆架子;黑板树
Alstonia scholarisAlstonia scholaris
  1. Influences of Environmental Condition , Matrix Formula and Method of Sowing on the Growth of Alstonia scholaris Seedlings


  2. Studies on regions congenial to Alstonia scholaris in Southwest Yunnan Province


  3. Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Alstonia scholaris


  4. Speciation Analysis of Eight Metal Elements in the Leaves of Alstonia Scholaris by Flame Atomic Adsorption Spectrometry


  5. The result of experiment about the influences of different environmental condition , matrix formula and method of sowing on the growth of Alstonia scholaris seedlings shows that firstly , the young plants grow better in hothouse than that under the natural conditions ;
