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The one-hour show would be based on the series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin , which follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall ( Dunk ) and a young Aegon V Targaryen ( Egg ) 90 years prior to the events of “ A Song of Ice and Fire . ”
Aegon the Dragon himself could not keep the peace , Lord Renly .
in the 183rd year after Aegon 's landing ,
She turned back to Prince Aegon .
Cersei could see the Red Keep again , shining crimson in the morning sun atop Aegon 's High Hill .
" But ," Prince Aegon said ," without Daenerys and her dragons , how could we hope to win ?"
There are still a lot of rules , especially involving taxes , that need to be clarified , says Mr Shepard of Aegon .
In continental Europe , the global financial turmoil has taken its toll on AEGON , the Netherlands-based insurer .
She would keep her eyes on Aegon 's High Hill across the city , on the towers of the Red Keep shimmering in the light .
One of her forebears , the third Aegon , had seen his own mother devoured by his uncle 's dragon .
Mr cizdyn believes AXA , the French insurer , ing and AEGON , could also prove interesting to Chinese insurers .
Prince Aegon sounded shocked .
Even Aegon the Unworthy might have told the Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhengde to tone things down when it came to his sexual pursuits .
Have you forgotten Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon ?
Li confirmed she had some doubts earlier this year about continuing her career after losing at the Aegon International tournament in the lead-up to Wimbledon .
But it was not the plains Dany saw then . It was King 's Landing and the great Red Keep that Aegon the Conqueror had built .
Aegon the Fourth had died long before Jaime had been born , but he recalled enough of the history of his reign to guess what must have happened next .
Also like Aegon the Unworthy , his death led to a crisis of succession . But unlike Aegon , the crisis was caused by his having no legitimate heirs .
When another of Aegon 's Great Bastards tried to seize the Iron Throne from his trueborn half-brother , Bittersteel joined the revolt .
The Golden Company was reputedly the finest of the free companies , founded a century ago by Bittersteel , a bastard son of Aegon the Unworthy .
Cersei is as gentle as King Maegor , as selfless as Aegon the Unworthy , as wise as Mad Aerys .
More popularly referred to as Aegon the Unworthy , Aegon IV Targaryen was known primarily for two things : having an insatiable sexual appetite and siring a great number of bastards .
One of the defining moments in the history of Westeros was its conquest at the hands of Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys from 2BC to 1AC .
Viserys had told her that the last Targaryen dragons had died no more than a century and a half ago , during the reign of Aegon III , who was called the Dragonbane .