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  • 网络武装侦察直升机;下丘脑弓状核;反辐射寻的;阿尔汉格尔斯克;医院管理局
  1. The ARH change laws of concrete with water to binder ratio lower than 0.4 can be expressed with a non-linear equation .


  2. The reduction of ARH varies also with the different influences on the ratio and process of hydration of concrete with different mineral blends .


  3. The results indicate that ARH reduction of concrete increases with the decrease of m ( w ) / m ( b ) and the increase of paste volume content as well .


  4. The extent to the effect of types and content of mineral admixtures on ARH reduction of concrete resulting from self-desiccation can be reflected by the parameter of the effective water to binder ratio r_e effectively .


  5. Combined Addition of New Deodorant and Powdered Activated Carbon for Removing Undesirable Odor from Water Body There is significant linear correlation between ARH change and AS of concrete with different w / cm , paste volume content and the combined addition of SF and GBFS .


  6. 5 ) the neural pathways emanating from arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus ( ARH ): ARH-dorsal raphe nucleus / locus coeruleus / PAG pathway , ARH-dorsal raphe nucleus-spinal dorsal horn pathway , ARH-anterior and medial pituitary-parafascicular nucleus pathway ;
