
  1. 此外,苹果公司还列出了包括连卡佛、7-11便利店、汉堡王、肯德基等在内的多个位于中国的商家已经支持ApplePay服务。

    Apple also lists Lane Crawford , 7-Eleven , Burger King , and KFC among the merchants already accepting Apple Pay in China .

  2. 旗下拥有优衣库(uniqlo)品牌的迅销(fastretailing)关闭在北京的经营网点,另一家日资企业旗下的数十家7-11便利店也关门停业。

    Fast Retailing , owner of the UNIQLO brand , shut outlets in Beijing , while dozens of 7-ELEVEN convenience stores , which belong to another Japanese company , were also closed .

  3. 目前还没有人现身领奖,但头彩的出售地点已经人尽皆知:位于加利福尼亚州东郊奇诺山的一家7-11便利店,位于田纳西州曼福德市的一家奈非食品超市,以及位于弗罗里达州墨尔本比奇的Publix杂货店。

    No one has stepped forward yet to claim a share , but everyone now knows where the winning tickets were sold : A 7-Eleven in Chino Hills , Calif. ; Naifeh 's Food Mart in Munford , Tenn. ; and a Publix grocery in Melbourne Beach , Fla.

  4. 去翻翻英文报纸就行啦,在7-11便利店就买得到。

    Just look in the English newspaper ; 7-11 carries them .

  5. 最近,在全国的7-11便利店,这种状况时有发生。

    It happened most recently in7-11 stores across the country .

  6. 日本7-11便利店的经营理念

    The Concept of Management of Japan 7-11 Convenience Store

  7. 在7-11便利店上大夜班会遇到各式各样奇怪的人。

    Working the graveyard shift at 7-Eleven , you meet all kinds of weird people .

  8. 最近的7-11便利店在哪儿?

    Where is the nearest 7-Eleven ?

  9. 发展我国零售业态下的共同配送模式&日本7-11便利店物流革新的启示

    Developing Co-operative Distribution Model of Domestic Retail Enterprise & the Inspiration of the Logistics Innovation Related to 7-11 in Japanese

  10. 日本的7-11便利店是日本国内最大的便利店,同时也是世界上最大的便利店连锁集团。

    The Japan 7-11 Convenience Store is the biggest one in Japan , and also is the biggest retail chain convenience store in the world .

  11. 据统计,目前已经有80%的国外大型零售企业进入中国市场,包括美国的沃尔玛、荷兰的万客隆、法国的家乐福和欧尚、德国的麦德龙、日本7-11便利店等。

    According to statistics , 80 % of foreign large-scale retail enterprises have entered the Chinese market until now , including Wal-Mart of the United States , Makro of Netherlands , Carrefour and Auchan of France , Metro of Germany , 7-11 convenience store of Japan .

  12. A.梅西B.7-11(便利店)

    A. Macy 's. B. a 7 -- 11

  13. 这方面她谈论最多的两家企业,一个是西班牙日用品连锁店品牌Mercadona,一个是总部在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市的便利店/加油站连锁品牌QuikTrip,它的竞争对手是像7-11这样的便利连锁店。

    The two companies she talks about most frequently in this regard are a Spanish grocery chain called Mercadona and QuikTrip , a Tulsa , Okla. - based chain of convenience store / gas stations that competes with the likes of the 7-Eleven chain .