
  • 网络3-蒈烯
  1. Investigation on Oleoresin Resource of 3-Carene in Yunnan Province


  2. The results would enrich the chemical utilization of 3-carene and establish the theoretical and practical foundation for the fine and high-valuable development of turpentine .


  3. Fractions containing 56 ~ 72 % 3-carene were recovered by two-stage fractional distillation of Chinese wood and sulfate turpentines .


  4. In three physiological states ,α - Pinene , and β - Phellandrene , 3-Carene are detected in different parts of P. orientalis , and their relative content are higher .


  5. This paper studied the chemical compositions of oleoresin from P. sylvestris grown in Russia . It contains high amounts of △ ̄ 3-carene like that in central Europe at the same latitude .


  6. P. sylvestris was classified into two groups-central Europe and south Europe based on amounts of △ ̄ 3-carene in oleoresins of trees from different latitudes by W. Lange .


  7. The analysis of components of wood turpentine and sulfate turpentine shows that , besides a - 、β - pinene , there are 10.73 % and 8.01 % 3-carene sulfate turpentine in wood respectively .


  8. The analysis of resin contents showed that main monoterpenes were α - pinene , camphene , β - pinene , myrcene and limonene and some times there were 3-carene and α - terpine .


  9. By vaccum rectification , the fractions of α - pine with 96 . 3 % , β - pinene with 28 . 2 % and 3-carene with 45 . 0 % were obtained .
