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  1. “ The Classics on Fish Breeding ”, written by Fan Li of the Warring States Period ( 475 B.C. - 221B . C. ), was the world 's first book on fish breeding . Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B . C. , and the book was based on his experience .


  2. In fact , four top international assassins relocate to within spitting distance of 221b .


  3. Somewhere in 221b , somewhere on the day of the verdict he left it hidden .


  4. The new and , for many , permanent resident of 221B was Jeremy Brett .


  5. The name 's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street .


  6. Oh , and the name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street


  7. In the Warring States Period ( 475 ---- 221B . C. ) , many states built the Great Wall as fortification .


  8. Apply Dr. Watson , 221B , Baker Street , between eight and nine this evening . "


  9. The September sun was shining brightly into the win - dows of 221B Baker Street , and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer .


  10. In Conan Doyle 's A Scandal in Bohemia , Sherlock asks Watson how many steps lead up to their quarters at 221b Baker Street .


  11. The estranged siblings are forced to work through their relationship while Sherlock and Joan Watson are guests in Mycroft 's home at 221B Baker Street .


  12. Tomb burial began to become popular in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty ( 770B . C. - 221B . C. ) and was most prevalent from the Qin to the Tang dynasties .


  13. It could be . It really couldn 't. If you do move into , erm ..... 221B Baker Street , I 'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum of money on a regular basis to ease your way .


  14. Since the show 's popularity , fans have flocked to catch a glimpse of 221B Baker Street - which is actually about half a mile away at 185 North Gower Street , above Speedy 's caf é .


  15. More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady of 221B and 221C Baker Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .


  16. The setting of Sherlock remains true to the original story : Holmes and Dr Watson live at 221B Baker Street ; mysterious murders stimulate Holmes ' reasoning powers ; and the detective takes on his arch enemy Moriarty .


  17. Speedy 's Cafe , the sandwich emporium frequented by Holmes and Watson in the series , is a real caf é on Gower Street , near Euston - the BBC 's stand-in for 221b Baker Street .


  18. This was bizarrely reflected in the letters sent by fans to 221B Baker Street , most of them asking for Holmes to solve a current crisis , like the Watergate scandal , or a plane hijacking , or even rescue Patty Hearst !


  19. Showrunner Steven Moffat was met with cheers when he promised Sherlock fans that they would be returning to 221B Baker Street this Christmas and premiered the first footage from the special Victorian episode of the show at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday 。
