
  1. 密尔沃基2月29日消息——罗克韦尔自动化将收购CEDES公司的安全和自动化业务

    MILWAUKEE , Feb. 29 , 2008 ? Rockwell Automation will acquire the Safety and Automation business of CEDES AG .

  2. 之前,HTC公司虚拟产品设计专家申烨发布一条推特推文称,公司在2月29日开始销售的前十分钟就售出了15000部。

    HTC 's VR product specialist Shen Ye said earlier in a Twitter post the company sold more than 15000 units in the first 10 minutes , when orders started being taken on Feb 29 .

  3. 挪威的Karin女士在连续的三次2月29日这天分别生下了三个孩子,她的女儿出生在1960年2月29日,两个儿子分别出生在1964年2月29日和1968年2月29日。

    Mrs. Karin Henriksen ( Norway ) gave birth to 3 children on consecutive Leap Days ; her daughter in 1960 and her sons in 1964 and 1968 .

  4. 英国的Keogh一家祖孙三代都出生在2月29日,爷爷出生在1940年2月29日,儿子出生在1964年2月29日,孙女出生在1996年2月29日。

    In the Keogh family ( Ireland and Great Britain ) , the father was born on Leap Day , 1940 , the son in 1964 and the granddaughter in 1996 .

  5. 每四年,人们会在2月29日无缘无故地死去。

    Every four years , people die for no reason on february29th .

  6. 他在2月29日(周五)回答了读者的问题。

    He answered your questions on Friday , February 29 .

  7. 你要再过1460天才会遇到下一个2月29日!

    You wont see another February 29 for 1460 days !

  8. 世界上有约400万人出生在2月29日这天。

    4 million people in the world were born on February 29th .

  9. 出生在2月29日的概率是每1461人中有一个。

    There is 1 in 1461 the chances of being born on leap day .

  10. 2月29日是闰日;闰年是有添加日的年份。

    Feb. 29 is an intercalary day ; leap year is an intercalary year .

  11. 因此人们将有2月29日的一年称为闰年,

    Therefore a year with 29 days in February is consequently called a leap year

  12. 申请广州审核面试截止日期:2月29日!

    Deadline for application in Beijing29th February !

  13. 许多准妈妈都不想自己的孩子在2月29日那天出生。

    Many expectant mothers don 't want their babies to be born on Feb. 29 .

  14. 因为我出生在2月29日。

    Because I was born on february29th .

  15. 祖孙三代都出生在2月29日

    Most generations born on February 29

  16. 公告于2月29日发布,但没有在任宝文生活的国家中国发布。

    The release was published on Feb. 29 - but not in China , where Mr. Ren lives .

  17. 另外一个与此相似德望日子,即女子可以采取主动的时间是闰年的2月29日。

    A similar time when women can initiate aggressive action is during the leap year , when February has29 days .

  18. 决赛将于2月29日在一家名为@america的高科技美国文化中心举行。

    The finals will take place Saturday , February nineteenth , in a new high-tech American cultural center called @ america .

  19. 本次征名活动的截止日期是明年的2月29日,并且要求字数限制在10个(含)以内。

    The closing date for entries is February 29 , next year and it must represent the name in no more than ten Chinese characters .

  20. 在截止2016年2月29日的一年里,思嘉伯集团实现收入5950万英镑,税前利润62.5万英镑。

    In accounts for the year to February 29 2016 , the Scarborough Group made a pre-tax profit of £ 625000 on turnover of £ 59.5m .

  21. “这种老虎正受到严重威胁。”在2月29日的预算演讲中,印度财政部长齐丹巴拉姆意味深长地提到这一点。

    " THE tiger is under grave threat ," India 's finance minister , Palaniappan Chidambaram , intoned at one point in his budget speech on February29th .

  22. 37岁的陈女士原本的妊娠期是2月29日,但是她决定要比预产期早三天进行剖腹产。

    Chen , a 37-year-old mother-to-be , was originally scheduled to give birth on Feb. 29 , but decided to have her cesarean performed three days earlier than originally scheduled .

  23. 雷曼兄弟的法庭文件显示,根据协议,雷曼兄弟应得到返还资金和相关费用,第一笔款的付款日期为2008年2月29日。

    Under the agreement , Lehman was due to be repaid the funds with fees on top , with the first payment due on February 29 2008 , according to the filing .

  24. 公历规定一年有365天,而实际上地球绕太阳公转一周所需的时间是365天5小时48分46秒。如果不算上这个差值的话,那么每四年我们就要少掉一天,所以才有了2月29日。

    Since our calendar has exactly 365 days in a year , we would lose almost six hours from our calendar every year if we did not add February 29 to every fourth year .

  25. 2月29日,上海电影集团与安乐电影公司在上海联合宣布,深受欢迎的国产系列动画片《葫芦兄弟》即将推出真人版电影。

    The popular Chinese animation TV series Calabash Brothers ( Hulu Xiongdi ) is set to become alive-action film , announced Shanghai Film Group Corporation and Edko Films at a joint pressconference in Shanghai on February 29 .

  26. 根据罗马历法,2月29日标志着四年一遇的闰年的到来。2.29的女性求爱日传统可以追溯到中世纪时期:女性可以使用专属特权向心仪已久的男子表白求婚。

    February 29th marks the leap year for all those who follow the Roman calendar , and on that day , the tradition since medieval times has allowed women the privilege to propose marriage to their desired patriarchal figure .

  27. 自2月29日在中国播放之后,英国广播公司系列纪录片《中国春节:全球最大的盛会》在中国两大视频网站的观看量已经超过1200万次。

    The BBC documentary series " Chinese New Year : The Biggest Celebration on Earth " has been watched over 12 million times on two of China 's major video websites , since it was released in the country on Feb. 29 .