
  1. 史蒂夫·乔布斯1955年2月24日出生于加利福尼亚州旧金山。

    Steve Jobs was born on 24th February 1955 in San Francisco , California .

  2. 2月24日,国家法律法规数据库开通仪式在北京举行。

    A national database of laws and regulations was launched in Beijing on Feb 24 .

  3. 外交部表示,2月24日,丹麦国家海上救援服务收到了SOS求救信号,立即对这艘帆船上发生的事情展开了调查。

    The foreign ministry says that the national sea rescue service in Denmark received an SOS from the boat on24 February and immediately began investigating what had happened to the vessel .

  4. 上述消息出台之际,aig意外宣布将针对未来财产保险损失的准备金增加41亿美元,这有可能使aig定于2月24日发布的2010年业绩出现亏损。

    The news came as AIG announced a surprise $ 4.1bn increase in reserves against future property and casualty losses that is likely to push its 2010 results to be revealed on February 24 into the red .

  5. 2月24日,耶伦已为摒弃耐心承诺铺平了道路,她试图让FOMC能够更自由地放手调整利率。

    Ms Yellen had on February 24 paved the way for the patience pledge to be ditched , as she sought to give the FOMC a freer hand to change rates .

  6. 2003年2月24日位于1997~1998年伽师震区东南约20km的新疆巴楚-伽师地区发生了MS6·8地震,其余震丰富、强度大。

    The Bachu-Jiashi earthquake of M_S6.8 occurred on Feb.24 , 2003 , in Xinjiang , which is 20km from the southeast Jiashi seismic region in 1997 ~ 1998 , and its aftershocks are rich and strong .

  7. 在2月24日,该国宣布在基西区(地处该国东北部)和Bilasuvar区(邻近萨利亚内区)的农场禽群中发现感染。

    On24 February , the country announced detection of infection in poultry at farms in Khyzy ( in the north-eastern part of the country ) and Bilasuvar ( near Salyan ) .

  8. 2003年2月24日至12月1日先后在伽师和昭苏县境内发生了MS6.8与MS6.0两次地震,新疆乌什台距两次地震震中200多千米,震前钻孔应变仪均记录到异常。

    On Feb 24 ~ ( th ), and Dec.1st 2003 two earthquakes of M_S 6.8 and 6.0 occured in Jiashi and ( Zhaosu ), Xinjiang region . Located about 200 kilometers from both the epicenters , the borehole strain anomalies at Wushi station had been recorded .

  9. 历史上的今天:2013年2月24日,星期天

    Today in History : Sunday , February 24 , 2013

  10. 2019年奥斯卡颁奖礼将于2月24日举行。

    The 2019 Academy Awards are scheduled for Feb 24 .

  11. 2003年2月24日新疆巴楚&伽师MS6.8地震的应力触发作用研究

    Research on Stress Triggering of Bachu-Jiashi M_S6.8 Earthquake on Feb.24,2003 , in Xinjiang

  12. 奥斯卡奖得主将于2月24日宣布。

    Oscar winners will be announced on February 24 .

  13. 获奖者名单将于2月24日公布。

    The winners will be announced on February 24 .

  14. 2003年2月24日新疆巴楚&伽师MS6.8级地震加速度记录简介

    Brief introduction on acceleration record of BACHU-JIASHI m_s6.8 earthquake in Xinjiang on feb.24 , 2003

  15. 与之相比,《戴托纳500大赛》(Daytona500)在2月24日播出时引发了704000条消息。

    By comparison , the Daytona 500 broadcast on Feb. 24 had 704 , 000 .

  16. 一位法官要求在2月24日召开听证会,讨论取消黑莓服务的可能性。

    A judge called a hearing for february24th on the possibility of suspending BlackBerry service .

  17. 2014年春运时间为2014年1月16日至2月24日。

    The Spring Festival Rush of 2014 will be from January 16th to February 24th .

  18. 我敢肯定,2月24日(星期一)的会面将是令人愉快而又是建议性的。

    I 'm sure our meeting on monday , feb24th will be enjoyable and constructive .

  19. 诺基亚的这次诺曼底计划将在2月24日举行的巴塞罗那全球移动大会上正式宣布。

    The so-called Nokia Normandy will be formally announced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona .

  20. 2003年2月24日新疆伽师MS6.5级地震震源破裂过程研究

    Rupture process of Jiashi , Xinjiang earthquake ( M_S 6.5 ) of Feb. 24 , 2003

  21. 2003年2月24日巴楚&伽师6.8级地震前喀什台地倾斜异常

    The anomaly of the tilt in Kashi station before the BACHU-JIASHI earthquake with m_s6.8 on feb.24,2003

  22. 2月24日,格陵兰岛北端的温度达到了6摄氏度。

    Then on February 24 , the temperature on Greenland 's northern tip reached six degrees Celsius .

  23. 1803年2月24日,马布里诉麦迪逊最高法院规定其自身是宪政问题的最终解释者。

    On Feb. 24 , 1803 , the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison ruled itself the final interpreter of constitutional issues .

  24. 据报道,第91届奥斯卡颁奖典礼只剩下仅仅六周了,制片人正在慌张地筹备2月24日的明星阵容。

    With the 91st Academy Awards just six weeks away , producers are reportedly scrambling to coordinate the celebrity lineup for February 24 .

  25. 爱奇艺的知识产权经理表示,自2月24日首播以来,有超过12亿人次观看本剧集。

    iQiyi 's intellectual property right manager said there had been over 1.2 billion views of the series since it premiered on February 24th .

  26. 1955年2月24日这一天,乔安妮生下了一个男孩。而安排好的那对夫妇希望领养的是女孩,所以他们退出了。

    But when a boy was born - on February 24 , 1955 - the designated couple decided that they wanted a girl and backed out .

  27. 如果你在美国时间2月24日的奥斯卡颁奖礼上看到有名人嘉宾介绍自己是邦德,詹姆斯邦德的话千万不要惊讶。

    Dont be surprised while watching the Oscars telecast on February 24 to hear one of the featured celebrity guests introduce himself as Bond . James Bond .

  28. 2月24日,汤姆·克鲁斯和凯蒂·赫尔姆斯的爱女实现了她的奥斯卡“初体验”,和爸爸一起参加了在好莱坞柯达剧院举行的奥斯卡颁奖典礼彩排。

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes'baby girl had her first taste of the Oscars on24th Feb when she accompanied her dad to Academy Awards rehearsals at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood .

  29. 行尸走肉第三季第11集《我不是犹大》(2月24日周日播出),卡尔告诉瑞克不要当领袖了。

    On The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 11 , I Ain 't A Judas ( premieres Sunday , February 24 ), Carl tells Rick he should stop being the leader .

  30. 2月24日在美国广播公司播放的第91界奥斯卡颁奖礼上,将在广告期间公布四大奖项。这一举动打破之前的传统。

    In a break with tradition , the Academy Awards in four categories will be presented during commercial breaks when the 91st Oscars ? are broadcast by ABC on Feb. 24 .