2 14

2 142 14
  1. 互换爱情信物以庆祝2月14号情人节的风俗

    the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

  2. 他们已把守夜的时间改为2月14日。

    They 've rescheduled the vigil for February 14th

  3. 2月14日,俱乐部还在温州市少年儿童图书馆为孩子们举行了一场演讲。

    On February 14th , the club also held a speech for the kids in Wenzhou Children 's Library .

  4. 在公元496年,圣徒罗马教皇盖拉西厄斯1世把2月14日命名为“Valentine'sDay”(情人节)。

    In AD 496 Saint Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as " Valentine 's Day . "

  5. 1984年2月14日大角星色球活动的CaⅡH,K线观测

    Chromospheric Activity of Arcturus Observed at Call H and K Lines on February 14 , 1984

  6. 布朗克斯艺术博物馆(BronxMuseumoftheArts,bronxmuseum.org),至明年2月14日。

    Nov. 5-Feb. 14 , Bronx Museum of the Arts , bronxmuseum.org .

  7. 27H,它远远可以望见夏威夷群岛,这是1779年2日14日有名的航海家库克被杀死的地方。

    On the 27th it passed in sight of the Hawaiian Islands , where the famous Captain Cook met his death on February 14 , 1779 .

  8. 英国食品标准局(FoodStandardsAgency)2月14日表示,生产商BernardMatthews已暂时同意,停止向零售商供应含原产于匈牙利的冷冻肉产品。

    The Food Standards Agency on the 14th Feb said that producer Bernard Matthews had agreed temporarily to stop supplying retailers with frozen products containing Hungarian meat .

  9. 但是进行该临床试验的美国非政府组织人口理事会(ThePopulationCouncil)本月(2月14日)宣布说他们发现这种杀微生物剂是安全的但是没有效果。

    But this month ( 14 February ) The Population Council , the US-based nongovernmental organisation that ran the trials , announced that the microbicide had been found to be safe but not effective .

  10. 随后,在2005年2月14日,王小云教授的密码小组又破译了SHA-1算法。

    Soon after that , in February of 2005 , professor Wang deciphered SHA-1 algorithm .

  11. 他们在2005年的2月14日首次注册了域名,然后窝在一个车库里为YouTube的发展奋战数月。

    They first registered the domain on February 14 , 2005 , and worked on YouTube out of a garage for a few months .

  12. 术后随访2 ̄14个月,仅1例病人因再狭窄复发TIA,其他病人无TIA或卒中复发。

    During follow-up for 2-14 months , the patients were clinically asymptomatic and had no recurrent TIA or stroke , except 1 TIA with restenosis .

  13. 利用BST非致冷焦平面探测器在2~14μm的光谱响应特性,可实现双色热成像系统。

    A dual colour thermal imaging system could be realized by use of the spectral response characteristic of BST uncooled FP detector at 2-14 μ m.

  14. 1929年2月14日,情人节大屠杀中,歹徒AlCapone的七个对手在芝加哥一车库被枪。

    On Feb. 14 , 1929 , seven rivals of gangster Al Capone were gunned down in a Chicago garage in the St. Valentine 's Day Massacre .

  15. 玩具行业协会(ToyIndustryAssociation)自2月14日起,在纽约举办了年度玩具展(ToyFair)。该协会的代表阿德里安娜·阿佩尔(AdrienneAppell)认为,办公室玩具可以在数字时代中生存,其实不足为奇。

    Adrienne Appell , a representative of the Toy Industry Association , which is holding its annual Toy Fair in New York starting Feb. 14 , sees nothing incongruous about desktop gewgaws in the digital age .

  16. 2月14日情人节这天,Deutsch在Twitter上启动了shootmytruck的全国推广活动,15日继续进行。

    The stunt started Tuesday and continued Wednesday , when the team kept # shootmytruck a nationally promoted trend on twitter .

  17. 每时每刻都有上千名网友在搜索HarlemShake视频,而在2月14日该视频也成了推特上最热门的话题之一。

    The New Harlem Shake videos are being searched by the thousands by the minute , making it one of the biggest trending topics on Twitter on Thursday , Feb. 14 .

  18. 并利用新华远东2006年2月14日对中国企业最新的信用评级结果,检验了Z值模型对信用评级的有效性,建立了信用级别与Z值之间的映射关系。

    Based on the Z-value model and the newest Xinhua Far East China issuer credit ratings results on February 14,2006 , we verify the efficiency of Z-value model for credit rating and construct the correlation between Z-value and credit rating result .

  19. 手术开放复位内固定(手术组)9例(paley型)。随访2~14个月,平均9.5个月。

    All patients were followed-up for 2-14 months ( an average 9.5 months ) . The intraarticular calcaneal fracture were classified according to Paley classification .

  20. InternetDatingExecutiveAlliance总裁马克•布鲁克斯(MarkBrooks)表示,尽管对在线交友行业而言,2月14日之前的这段时间可能会很忙,但今年的关键时刻将是红玫瑰枯萎的时候。

    While the build-up to February 14 may be a busy time for the on - line dating industry , the crunch time this year , says Mark Brooks , president of the Internet Dating Executive Alliance , will be when the red roses have wilted .

  21. 2013年2月14日,ChadMartin和LynneKlanbida成为第一对在澳大利亚悉尼的宜家结婚的夫妇。当然,如果没有在仓库的过道中拍摄结婚照,它是不完整的。

    On February 14 , 2013 , Chad Martin and Lynne Klanbida became the first couple to get married at Ikea in Sydney , Australia.Of course , it wouldn 't be complete without a photoshoot in the aisles of the warehouse .

  22. 这部纪录片于2月14日在英国BBC2频道首播,在英国观众中也反响强烈。

    The series was released in the United Kingdom on Feb. 14 on BBC Two , and was a hit with Britons .

  23. 结论经启动公共卫生突发事件应急预案,采取综合防制措施,从2月14日起连续5d无新发病例发生,所有患者经梅县人民医院治疗全部治愈出院,无后遗症、无死亡。

    Conclusion The outbreak of infection of Novak-like virus infection was controlled and all the patients were cured without deaths after starting emergency predetermined plan for dealing with suddenly occurred public health event , comprehensive measures were taken .

  24. 2月14日,伴随着现场动感的音乐和富有节奏性的鼓点,韩国人气天团EXO登上了湖南卫视的舞台,加入到于当晚举办的元宵喜乐会的强大阵容中去。

    Flanked by a DJ and a drummer , South Korean pop group Exo sauntered onto the stage at the Hunan Satellite TV station on Friday , joining the line-up for the Lantern Festival Show .

  25. 在纽约时装周寒冷的周日(2月14日),她出现在妈妈的时装秀上,和她一起坐在头排的是退役足球明星父亲和三个哥哥:10岁的克鲁斯(Cruz);

    She was at her mother 's fashion show on a frigid Sunday morning in New York this week , sitting in the front row with her father , the retired soccer star , and her three brothers , Cruz , 10 ;

  26. 美国从第3营,海军陆战团第六届期间对她们在Marjah的地位在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省的交火在周日的消防塔利班狙击手2010年2月14日支付。

    US Marines from3rd Battalion , 6th Marine Regiment take cover during a firefight as Taliban snipers fire on their position in Marjah in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Sunday Feb.14,2010 .

  27. 美国人在每年的2月14日庆祝情人节。

    Americans celebrate Valentine 's Day each year on February fourteenth .

  28. 不要等到2月14日了,今天就享受你的爱情吧!

    Enjoy your love today , don 't wait until14th of February !

  29. 历史上的今天:2013年2月14日,周四

    Today in History : Thursday , February 14 , 2013

  30. 最后,我希望2月14号是个平常日,一个充满爱意的普通日子。

    A casual day full of love like all others !