
jī fěn
  • fine powder;broken bits
齑粉 [jī fěn]
  • [broken lots;fine powder;minced condiments] 细粉;粉末;碎屑

  • 吾村不齑粉乎。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  1. 尽管帝国皇权已经化为齑粉,历史已经湮没无闻,而那白色的大理石却依然向满天的繁星叹息说:“我记得!”

    Though empires crumble to dust , and centuries are lost in shadows , the white marble still sighs to the stars ," I remember . "

  2. 要是有什么途径,把这张照片公布于世,让大家了解它的意义所在,这沉重的一击足以让党化为齑粉。

    It was enough to blow the party to atoms , if in some way it could have been published to the world and its significance made known .