
shǔ jiā
  • mousetrap
  1. 这位女士带着鼠夹回到家里,但她没有在碗橱里找到奶酪。

    The lady went home with her mousetrap , but when she looked in her cupboard , she could not find any cheese in it .

  2. 鼠夹在舰艇上的灭鼠效果观察

    Observation on Rat Catching Effect of The Rat Clip in Ship

  3. 对食饵法、鼠夹法监测结果影响因子的初步探讨

    A primary discussion about effect factors of bait methods and trap methods

  4. 方法:本次调查对站、车鼠密度的调查采用了鼠夹法,晚放早收,诱饵为花生米;

    Methods : we used mousetraps to investigate the density of mice .

  5. 前言:目的:观察鼠夹在舰艇上的灭鼠效果。

    Objective : To study the effect of the rat clip in ship .

  6. 方法用中型钢板鼠夹,采用夹夜法测定鼠密度,对捕获的害鼠进行种类鉴定,评价灭鼠效果。

    Methods To evaluate the control effect by the capture rates with night trap method .

  7. 方法每季度进行一次化学药物灭鼠,并用鼠夹法进行鼠密度监测。

    Methods Night trap method was used to supervise rat 's density , taking synthetic measures for prevention and control .

  8. 新西兰环保部通过使用鼠夹,鼠药和毒饵已经灭绝了几个小岛上的老鼠。

    New Zealand 's Department of Conservation has eradicated rats from several small islands using traps , poisons and baits .

  9. 穿在长叉上的一只肥田鼠夹在一串白竹鸡和一串雄山雉中间,在火前转动。

    A fat marmot , flanked by white partridges and heather-cocks , was turning on a long spit before the fire .

  10. 鼠夹一只老鼠透过墙上的裂缝看到农夫和他的妻子正在打开一个包裹。

    A Mouse Trap A Mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package .

  11. “你们有其他牌子的人道鼠夹吗?”我问他,拿起一个鼠夹给他看。

    " Do you carry any other brands of humane traps ?" I ask him . I hold up the trap for his inspection .

  12. 用鼠夹夹大鼠尾巴远端1/3处,每次夹尾刺激持续30分钟,每天4次,连续刺激7天。

    To clip the distal 1 / 3 rat tails with tongs for 30 minutes , and 4 times one day for 7 days . 2 .

  13. 方法室内用粉迹法、室外用鼠夹法调查灭前、灭后鼠密度并进行比较,用毒饵、基饵消耗量对比观察其适口性。

    Methods Compared the density of rats by tracking powder method in rooms and trap night method in field compared the palatability by the decrease of poison bait .

  14. 鼠密度监测采用鼠夹法,蝇密度监测采用粘蝇板法和目测法,蚊类密度监测采用诱蚊法和目测法。

    Survey the rats density with rat folders method , flies density with sticky flies plate and eyeballing method , mosquito density with trap-mosquito method and eyeballing method .

  15. 几天后,凯文用放在水槽下面以防万一的美国鼠夹捉住了又一只说不定是我们家今年的最后一只老鼠。

    A few days later , Kevin catches what again seems like the last mouse of the year in an American trap that he 'd left under the sink , just in case .

  16. 当我问是不是卖人道鼠夹时,一个素净的年轻人带我去了害虫防治专区,一读到鼠夹上面的标签,我就感到了麻烦。

    A sober young man leads me to the pest-control aisle after I ask if they sell humane mousetraps . I sense trouble as soon as I read the label on the outside of the trap .

  17. 令人称奇的是,这画有奶酪的图片竟然奏效了!第二天早上,这位女士下楼到厨房时,发现鼠夹里奶酪图片旁有一张画有老鼠的图片!

    Surprisingly , the picture of the cheese was quite successful ! When the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning she found a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese !