
dú wǔ
  • militaristic;belligerant;warlike;bellicose
黩武 [dú wǔ]
  • [bellicose;militaristic;warlike] 滥用武力;好战

  • [公孙瓒]既累为 [袁绍]所败,犹攻之不已, 虞患其黩武,且虑得志不可复制,固不许行。--《后汉书.刘虞传》

  • 穷兵黩武

黩武[dú wǔ]
  1. 年轻时我好战黩武

    In my youth , I courted war .

  2. 他们把这个星球更深地拉入黩武、对抗和战争的泥淖之中。

    They have dragged the planet deeper into the mire of militarism , tension , and war .

  3. 他认为,较之封建社会的黩武精神,工业主义的历程本质上是和平的。

    He defined the process of industrialism as essentially Pacific in constrast to the militaristic spirit of feudal society .

  4. 那确是一个风驰电掣的日子,好战的专制政体的崩溃震动了所有的王国,各国君王都为之大惊失色,强权覆灭,黩武主义败退。

    It was a day of lightning brilliancy ; in fact , a crumbling of the military monarchy which , to the vast stupefaction of kings , drew all the kingdoms after it & the fall of force , the defeat of war .