
  1. 吴桥县地处黑龙港流域中部,位于河北省东南边缘,沧州地区南端。

    Heilonggang Wuqiao County is located in the central basin , located in Hebei Province , southeast edge of the southern tip of Cangzhou area .

  2. 东光县隶属河北省沧州市,位于华北平原河北省东南部黑龙港流域下游。

    Dongguang County , Cangzhou City , Hebei Province under , located in the North China Plain , Hebei Province , southeast of Heilonggang River downstream .

  3. 新华区地处黑龙港流域,是华北冲击平原,地势低平,气候温和,属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候。

    Black Dragon River is located in Hong Kong , Xinhua District , is the impact of the North China plain , low and flat , mild climate , is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate .