
  • 网络black lake;Dark Lake
  1. 在这座建筑的底层是一个奇怪的黑湖。

    Underneath the building there was a strange , dark lake .

  2. 故事也发生在一个营地里,跟这里很像,在森林那边有一个黑湖。

    I-it takes place at a camp a lot like this one , Where just beyond the woods , there was a black lake .

  3. 主体继续流向东北,分支向西北粤西海域流去,冬季黑湖南海分支主体存在于海面下的次表层中,变性较小,其高温、高盐水可影响粤西海域。

    The results also reveal that the main body of the South China Sea Branch of Kuroshio , featuring small variability , flows within sublayer , and its high-temperature and high-salinity may have an influence upon the sea water off the western part of Guangdong .

  4. 天一黑就过湖。

    We cross the lake at nightfall .