
  • black and white woodcut
  1. 从中国初期现代黑白木刻作品里就可以看到很多珂勒惠支的影子。

    The Chinese initial period modern black and white woodcut works much influenced by Kollwitz .

  2. 本论文主要研究20世纪上半叶德国黑白木刻的发展及其对中国的影响。

    In this thesis , talked about that in the first half of 20th century how black and white woodcut developed in Germany and how impacted Chinese woodcut .

  3. 论黑白木刻中具象人物造型与刀法语言的关系

    On Relation Specific Image Figure and Carving Skills in Monochromatic Woodcut

  4. 在鲁迅先生的引进下,德国黑白木刻传入中国,极大的影响了当时中国的黑白木刻风格形态。

    Introduced by Lu Xun , the Germany black and white woodcut came into China , and affected the styles of black and white woodcut in China greatly .

  5. 该时期德国黑白木刻在总体上有着原始敏锐的力量,关注人类的痛苦,表达方式富有激情而强烈。

    Black and white woodcut of the period of the German original , in general , have a keen power of attention to human suffering , passionate and strong expression .

  6. 黑白木刻版画作为一门历史传统悠久的艺术,一直体现着它的独特艺术魅力和强烈的视觉语言,具有令人瞩目的价值和地位。

    Black and white woodcut printmaking as an art of the traditional history , always show its unique artistic charm and strong visual language , has remarkable value and status .

  7. 随着时代与科技的发展,黑白木刻在功能性与艺术性上都不可避免的面临着方向性的转折。

    Along with the development in ages and science and technology , the black and white wood-carved is all ineluctable to face a directive turn on the function and the art .

  8. 此时德国黑白木刻表现出的尖锐性与社会批判性正符合当时中国社会的需要以及木刻发展的需要。

    At this time , the sharp social criticism Germany black and white woodcut has shown is in line with the needs of Chinese society at that time as well as wood development .

  9. 新时期的版画家们开始注重个性的表现,借助西方的艺术理念并丰富中国黑白木刻版画的表现语言和形式。

    New era printmaker have begun to focus on the performance of personality , with the help of Western art philosophy and enrich the language and format of the performance of the black-and-white woodcut .

  10. 学院派版画开始兴起以及各类抒情版画的风靡让中国黑白木刻版画无论是在风格还是在题材和技术上都呈现出丰富多彩且十分繁荣的景象。

    School in printmaking began to rise , and all kinds of lyrical prints of rage so black-and-white woodcut either in style or in the themes and technically emerged as a colorful and very prosperous scene .

  11. 黑白木刻自出现以来,作为文化传播的重要工具,经过各个时代的发展与变化,逐渐演变为一种成熟独立的艺术形式。

    Black and white wood-carved from appear , as the important tool of cultural dissemination , , after the development and variety in each ages , turn into a kind of mature independent art form gradually .

  12. 黑白木刻版画动画的出现,既可以丰富动画的艺术形式,又能够借助新媒体技术手段将传统的黑白木刻版画艺术发扬光大。

    The emergence of black-and-white woodcut printmaking animation , can not only enrich the animation art form , and can through new media technology , to carry forward the traditional black and white woodcut printmaking art .

  13. 正是黑白木刻艺术自身的独特精神品格和艺术张力,使得它在当代社会语境中焕发出新的生机与活力,呈现出鲜明的当代性。

    It is black and white woodcut art of its own unique character and spirit of artistic tension , making it the context of contemporary society full of new vitality and vigor , showing a distinct contemporary .

  14. 同时,又以铜版画、石版画和丝网版的推广以及实验性综合版画的兴起,而一改以黑白木刻为正宗的主流版画语系态势。

    At the same time , the prevalence of etching , lithographand silk screen and the rise of pioneer synthetical print changed the situation that takes the balck and white woodcarving as the mainstream of the art of print .

  15. 将黑白木刻版画与动画相结合是动画研究与实践中的一个新课题,它依靠黑白木刻版画这一优秀的艺术形式来进行创作,利用其优秀形式和艺术特色,使动画画面效果显得与众不同。

    Combining black-and-white woodcut printmaking and animation is a new topic of animation research and practice , it relies on black and white woodcut printmaking create with the excellent art form , using its good form and artistic characteristics , make the animation picture appears different .