
  • 网络huangshan district
  1. 麻黄山区块钻井过程中漏、塌、卡、斜等钻井风险都有可能发生。

    Leaking , collapsing , blocking and slanting may often occur in the drilling in Mahuangshan Region .

  2. 我遇到过一位现代的东巴,他的名字叫杨明毅,来自黄山区丽江古城的居民区。

    I met a modern day Dongba by the name of Yang Mingyi from Lower Yellow Hill Section in Lijiang 's old town 's residential area .

  3. SNS柔性防护网在黄山风景区边坡支护中的应用

    SNS flexible protective net used in slope bracing in the Huangshan Scenery

  4. 采用锚固和支撑与新型防护网SNS联合治理黄山风景区云汤线危岩崩塌

    Anchoring and propping together with a new protective net SNS for treatment of dangerous rock masses along the yun-tang line of the Huangshan Scenic Spot

  5. 黄山风景区的珍稀植物资源

    The resources of rare and endangered plants in Huangshan scenic spot

  6. 黄山风景区旅游容量及相关环境问题研究

    Study on Tourism Carring Capacity and Environmental Qualities of Mount Huangshan

  7. 黄山风景区物质容量研究

    A study on the physical capacity of Huangshan Scenic Spot

  8. 具有特殊地质地貌的黄山风景区雷电环境分析

    Analysis of Lightning Environment in Huangshan Scenic Area with Special Geological Features

  9. 今年夏天咱们去黄山风景区吗?

    Shall we go to the Huangshan mountain scenery zone this summer ?

  10. 第六章是运用以上理论,以大黄山旅游区为例进行案例研究。

    Chapter 6 utilizes the above theory , conducts a case study .

  11. 关于黄山旅游区铁路建设的思考

    Ideas of the Railway Construction in Huangshan Tourist Region

  12. 黄山风景区第四纪冰川遗迹的景观特征与保护措施

    Landscape Characteristics and Conservation Methods of Quaternary Glacier Vestiges in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  13. 黄山风景区旅游与水环境协调发展研究

    Study on Coordinate Development between Tourism and Water Environment in Huangshan Mountain Resort

  14. 黄山风景区荨麻科植物资源及其开发利用

    Urticaceae Plant Resource and Its Development and Utilization of in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  15. 黄山风景区旅游资源综合评价研究

    The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Tourism Resource Quality of Mt. Huangshan Scenic Spot

  16. 黄山风景区及周边地区地质灾害特征分析及危险性评估

    Geologic Disaster Analysis and Risk Assessment of Huangshan Senic Area and the Surrounding Areas

  17. 黄山风景区旅游干扰对植物群落及其土壤性质的影响

    Impacts of tourist disturbance on plant communities and soil properties in Huangshan Mountain scenic area

  18. 对那些想要体验中国真正美丽地方的人来说,应该去黄山风景区。

    Huangshan Scenic Area is a must for those who want to experience the real beauty of China .

  19. 黄山风景区旅游旺季游客日分布特征的研究

    The study about the characteristics of the tourist daily distribution at tourism busy seasons in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  20. 风景名胜区生物多样性保护的理论与实践&以黄山风景区为例

    Theory and Practice of Biodiversity Protection in Scenic Spots & An Example of Bio-diversity Protection in Mount Huangshan

  21. 旅游环境游客满意度的指数测评模型&以黄山风景区为例

    Study on the model of tourist satisfaction index about tourism environment : a case study of Huangshan Mountain

  22. 复杂之整合&黄山风景区规划与建筑设计实践研究

    Conforming Complexity & A Study on the Practice of Plan and Architectural Design in Huang Mountain Scenic Spot

  23. 山岳型景区旅游饭店与城市饭店的差异分析&以黄山风景区为例

    Analysis on the Difference between Montain Hotels and Urban Hotels & Taking Hotels in Huangshan Scenic Area for Instance

  24. 用这个双层风险模型对黄山风景区的各个风险源逐一分析。

    Using this double tier model to analyze the various risk sources in Huangshan Scenic Area one by one .

  25. 欢迎访问中国黄山风景区东门投资置业有限公司的网店,感受我们的企业文化、品牌理念;

    Welcome to Huangshan Scenic Area East Gate Shop Limited to invest and feel of our corporate culture , brand idea ;

  26. 研究表明,黄山风景区的气候舒适度与年内客流量之间确实存在一定的弹性关系。

    The result showed that there were certain relationship between tourism climate comfortable degree and variation of tourist traffic in Huangshan Mountain .

  27. 从网络游记分析当代自助游现象&以安徽黄山旅游区网络游记为例

    Analysis on the Contemporary Phenomenon of Self-help Tour from the Network Travels & Take the Network Travels of Huangshan in Anhui Province as an Example

  28. 根据黄山风景区客流空间负荷特点,认为北海游览区是黄山风景区物质容量的“瓶颈”;

    According to the space load of tourist of Huangshan Scenic Spot , Beihai Sight seeing Spot is the " bottle neck " of the physical capacity of Huangshan Scenic Spot .

  29. 就黄山风景区野生木本有毒植物资源的种类、有毒部位、毒性大小、用途以及开发利用等方面进行了归纳总结及探讨。

    This article on category , poisonous part , toxic size , use as well as exploitation made the introduction summary and the discussion of wild woody poisonous plants in Huangshan Scenic Spot .

  30. 黄山风景区是我国乃至世界上宝贵的资源,保持景区自然体系的生态安全是黄山风景区可持续利用和发展的关键。

    The paper intends to introduce the authors ' analysis on the current ecological security situation in Huangshan Scenic Spots , which is a key factor to keeping the sustainable development in Huangshan scenic area .