
shè xiàn
  • Shexian County
歙县[shè xiàn]
  1. 2007年歙县3家哨点医院伤害监测分析

    Analysis of Injury Surveillance in Three Sentinel Hospitals of shexian County in 2007

  2. 安徽歙县蛇绿岩地球化学特征及形成构造环境

    Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Setting of Ophiolites in Shexian County , Anhui Province cellular construction

  3. 歙县牌坊的艺术体现是多方面的。

    The SheXian archway has artistic embodiment in more aspects .

  4. 我的外公外婆决定在歙县再呆个几天。

    My grandparents decided to stay at'She Xian'for a couple more days .

  5. 从歙县到芜湖大概要做三个小时客车。

    The trip took around three hours , I guess .

  6. 明清时代徽州的市镇与宗族&歙县岩镇和柳山方氏环岩派

    Towns and Patriarchal Qans in Huizhou During the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  7. 沿宜丰景德镇歙县发育一条构造花岗岩浆带;

    A tectonic granite zone developed along Yifeng-Jingdezhen-shexian .

  8. 《歙县民间艺术》的特点与价值

    Features and Value of Folk Arts in Shexian

  9. 歙县2000~2002年中小学生营养状况评价

    Nutritional Status of Primary and Secondary School Students from 2000 to 2002 in Shexian

  10. 今晚是我在歙县的最后一晚了。

    This is my last night here .

  11. 皖南歙县岩体的岩石地球化学特征、形成时代和成岩条件

    The petrochemistry and formational age and conditions of the Shexian intrusion in southern Anhui Province

  12. 皖南祁门&歙县地区元古界变质岩地层原始构造环境和形变

    Primary tectonic environment and deformation of strata of Proterozoic metamorphics in the qimen-shexian region of Southern Anhwei

  13. 论文指出,徽商从事盐业以家族组织为其基本形态,这就给两淮盐务深深地打上了家族生活的烙印。其中,最主要的是对歙县岑山渡程氏宗族聚居地的调查。

    It points out that Huizhou salt tradesman took clan organization as the basical form to carry salt business .

  14. 《歙县民间艺术》是第一部挖掘挽救徽州非物质文化遗产的资料专著。

    Folk Arts in Shexian is the first material monograph to tap and save the non-material cultural heritage in Huizhou Prefecture .

  15. 浓缩徼文化之珍品&评《中国历史文化名城歙县》丛书

    Concentrating the essence of Hui-culture & assessment of the collection " She xian County , a famouse historically sity of China "

  16. 徽州的家族文献与宗族文化&以歙县吴氏《冲山家乘》为中心

    Family documents and ancestral culture of Huizhou & set the wu 's " Chongshan family tree " in She county as a center

  17. 安徽省黄山市歙县鸡母山首次发现大量中体罗世恐龙骨骼化石。

    A great number of mid-Jurassic dinosaur bone fossils were firstly found in Jimu Mt , She County , Huangshan City , Anhui Province .

  18. 东与建德、桐庐接壤,南连衢县、常山,西与安徽休宁、歙县毗连,北接临安。

    East and Jiande , Tonglu border , south Qu , Changshan , West hispida in Anhui Province , County adjacent to the north Lin'an .

  19. 歙县以歙砚出名,是砚台(写书法时必备的一种工具)中最受欢迎的一种。

    She County is famous for the She Inkstone , one of the most preferred types of inkstones ( a required tool in traditional calligraphy ) .

  20. 明清时期徽州文会组织十分发达,歙县呈坎潈川文会即是一例。

    In the Ming and Qing Dynasties , Huizhou cultural groups developed rapidly , and the cultural group of Zhongchuan is a typical example of these .

  21. 耕地稀缺地区农户自然资源利用行为研究&以安徽省歙县为例

    An Analysis on the Peasant Household 's Behavior in the Utilizing Process of Natural Resources in Plowland-scarcity Regions & Taking Shexian County , Anhui Province as the Example

  22. 那里还有一个歙县博物馆,只是每个人要付十块钱才进的去。古老的字画和雕刻似乎保存的不是很好。

    I was shocked that you had to pay ten bucks to get in and I was disappointed that all the paintings and calligraphy collection were not very well kept .

  23. 本文阐释了县域发展低碳经济的重要性,分析了当前歙县县域低碳经济发展存在的主要问题,并对如何解决这些问题提出了对策和建议。

    This article illustrates the importance of the county developing low carbon economy , analyzes the main problems of Shexian , and put forwards measures and suggestions to solve these problems .

  24. 按照政策规定,批准恢复历史文化名城歙县太平兴国寺,屯溪区清真寺;

    Stipulate according to the policy , approve resuming making the country prosperous in the temple peacefully in Shexian County of historical cultural city , Collect the mosque of small stream district ;

  25. 论文以安徽省歙县为例,探讨了耕地稀缺地区农户资源利用行为的基本特征。

    Then , taking Shexian County as the example , the paper probes into the general characteristics of peasant households ' behavior in the utilization process of natural resources in plowland-scarcity regions .

  26. 歙县牌坊不仅具有独特的建筑风格及巧妙的构造,还融合了精美的石雕艺术、细腻的绘画手法、优雅的匾联文辞和别具神韵的书法篆刻等多种艺术手段。

    The SheXian Archway not only has special architecture style and artful construction , but also combines many artistic instruments such as fancy stone carving , exquisite painting ploy , gentler plaque diction and wonderful calligraphy .

  27. 古徽州地处安徽省南部,包括歙县、黟县、休宁、祈门、绩溪以及今天划入江西境内的婺源六县。

    In ancient Huizhou , located in southern Anhui Province , including Shexian , Yixian County , Xiuning , Jixi , garden gate and into the territory of Jiangxi today in six counties of Wuyuan province .

  28. 歙县职业工会是当时重庆国民政府为稳定歙县乃至整个徽州地区的社会秩序,加强社会资源动员支援抗战而施行的社会控制措施,这种中间组织形态一直持续到解放前夕。

    Shexian occupational labor union was the measure of social control that the Chongqing national government wanted to maintain Shexian and even the whole Huizhou social order for stabilization , and to intensify the local social resources mobilizing that supported the war .

  29. 纷争的最终解决方案是歙县经此丝绢风波得减银2530两,而五县实际上又分毫不加增,不足部分由府其他公费垫出。

    The ultimate solution is to dispute Shexian by this " silk storm " was less of silver 2530 versus , and five counties in fact no increase was divided by less than some other public funds by the government mat out .
