
  • 网络loess sinkhole
  1. 黄土陷穴对陕京输气管道的危害及处理

    The Methodology to Protect the Loess Sinking in Shaanxi Beijing Gas Transmission Pipeline

  2. 地裂缝一旦形成,它便同梯田中的黄土陷穴一起成为地表水转化为地下水的通道。

    Once the ground fissure forms , it contributes to the passage of surface water to the groundwater system .

  3. 简要阐述了公路路基施工技术中的路基填土与压实、路基路面排水、路基防护、软土地基处理、黄土陷穴处理等常用的相关措施。

    The roadbed fill and compaction , roadbed drainage and pavement drainage , roadbed protection , mollisol roadbed handling and loess sink handling etc. conventional relative measures in highway roadbed construction technology are simply elaborated .

  4. 就山西省的公路建设,介绍了公路的路基填土与压实,路基路面排水及路基防护,软土地基、黄土陷穴的处理。

    According to the situation of highway construction in Shanxi Province , the paper introduces the filling and compaction of roadbed , road surface drainage and roadbed protection and the treatment of soft ground and loess cratering .