
  • 网络Mckinley
  1. 1900年,麦金莱连任。

    In 1900 , McKinley won a second term in office .

  2. 34岁时,麦金莱获得了国会议员的席位。

    At the age of 34 , McKinley won a seat in Congress .

  3. 而美国总统麦金莱又必须尽快的得到他的合作。

    The president must secure his cooperation , and quickly .

  4. 八天之后,麦金莱去世。

    McKinley died eight days later .

  5. 赫斯特报纸之一似乎暗示要杀死麦金莱先生,随后就发生了暗杀事件。

    The assassination happened after one of the Hearst newspapers seemed to suggest killing Mister McKinley .

  6. 当普拉特第一次提出他的打算时,麦金莱及其顾问马克?汉纳反应冷淡。

    Mckinley and his adviser , Mark Hanna , responded coldly when Platt first presented his plan .

  7. 一个关于送信的故事:美西战争爆发后,美国总统麦金莱必须与起义军首领加西亚将军取得联系。

    A story about sending letter : After Spanish-American War broke out , McKinley , president of U.S.A.

  8. 不管你是否做好了准备,你都要和麦金莱高中说再见了。

    Whether you 're ready or not , it 's time to say farewell to McKinley High School .

  9. 麦金莱曾在阿勒格尼学院学习过一段时间,内战爆发时,他正在一所乡村学校教书。

    McKinley briefly attended Allegheny College , and was teaching in a country school when the Civil War broke out .

  10. 1901年9月5日,当麦金莱在纽约布法罗向公众致敬时,身中两枪。

    He was shot two times while greeting the public in Buffalo , New York on September 5 , 1901 .

  11. 威廉.麦金莱认为,当美国保护我们的员工和产业,我们“就为人们打开了更高更好的命运之门。”

    William McKinley believed that when America protects our workers and industries , we " open up a higher and better destiny for our people . "

  12. 6个月之后,随着麦金莱总统的遇刺,不到43岁的罗斯福成为了美国历史上最年轻的总统。

    Six months later , with the assassination of President McKinley , Theodore Roosevelt , not quite 43 , became the youngest President in the nation 's history .

  13. 如此安排结构,意在表明麦金莱政府的萨摩亚政策既是大转折的必然结果,也是它的有机构成部分。

    By arranging the structure like this , I aim at showing that the latter 's Samoan policy was not only the result but also a component part of this turn .

  14. 在他的任期内,麦金莱还注重了外交政策,在百天战争中,美国在古巴的圣地亚哥海湾重创了西班牙舰队,并夺去了菲律宾的马尼拉,和波多黎各。

    However , foreign policy , dominated McKinley 's term and in the 100-day war , the United States destroyed the Spanish fleet outside Santiago harbor in Cuba , seized Manila in the Philippines , and occupied Puerto Rico.

  15. 要详细讲述的。我希望强调的重点是:美国总统麦金莱将一封写给加西亚的信交给了罗文,而罗文接过信后,并没有问“他在哪里?“

    The point that I wish to make is this : McKinley gave Rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia ; Rowan took the letter and did not ask , " Where is he at ? " By the Eternal !