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  • flounder;left-eyed flounder
  • 鱼的一科,体形侧扁,呈片状,长椭圆形,两眼都在身体的左侧,常见的有“牙鲆”、“斑鲆”等。生活在浅海中,以小动物为食物。肉可鲜食,肝可制鱼肝油。

  1. 烟台地区鲆鲽鱼产业化养殖SWOT分析与对策

    SWOT Analysis and Strategies for Industrialized Aquaculture of Flounder paralichthys in Yantai

  2. 四种鲆鲽鱼类雌核发育及性别控制技术研究

    Study on Gynogenesis and Sex Control in Four Flounder Fish

  3. 菱鲆欧洲水域产的一种可食用的扁鱼(菱鲆鲆属)

    An edible flatfish ( Bothas rhombus ) of European waters .

  4. 氨基酸强化饵料对大鲮鲆诱食活性的研究

    Study on Attractant Activity of Amino Acid-Strengthened Bait to Turbot

  5. 由染色体操作对鲷、鲆新养殖鱼种的开发研究

    Study on exploiting new Culture Fingerling of Sparidae and Bothus by Chromosome Operation

  6. 鲆鲽鱼:在耶诞节期间,养殖大菱鲆的销售是令满意的。

    FLATFISH : Sales of farmed turbot over Christmas were described as satisfactory .

  7. 夏牙鲆引进与室内池养成试验

    Experiment on Introducing and Indoor Rearing of Paralichthys dentatus

  8. 全球视野下中国鲆鲽类养殖业的发展

    On the development of flatfish aquaculture industry of China : a global perspective

  9. 鲆鲽类产地溯源标识技术的建立。

    Identification technology of Flounder traceability is established .

  10. 大菱鲆是目前我国鲆鲽鱼类养殖的主要品种,而市场滞怠是该产业目前面临的瓶颈问题之一。

    Turbot is one of the main aquaculture species of flatfish in China , but its stagnant market is one of the bottleneck problems in aquaculture industry .

  11. 企业实施追溯体系会得到更高的效率和长远的市场占有率,提高企业的竞争力,为鲆鲽类产业的健康发展提供重要的技术支撑。

    Enterprises to implement traceability system will be more efficient and have long-term market share , but also improve competitiveness of enterprises , and provide technical support for Flounder industry healthy development .

  12. 第四部分接着进一步对鲆鲽类方形网箱在水流工况下的水动力特性进行了模拟研究,分析比较内容与第三部分一致。

    In the fourth part , the hydrodynamic properties of the square gravity cage for flatfish are investigated in current by numerical model , and the research content are as the same as the third part .
