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  • 网络weijin style
  1. 其所表现出的审美趣味与审美取向与魏晋风度往往是既相通又相融的。

    The aesthetic taste and orientation of these features are common and same with the Weijin style .

  2. 论魏晋风度与士文化的审美开拓

    The Esthetic Development of " Wei-Jin Demeanor " and Scholar Culture

  3. 它还为文学艺术提供了理想美,并与魏晋风度有一定的联系。

    The literature and art acquire the ideal in the Taoism belief .

  4. 服饰与魏晋风度

    Dress and Social Style in the Wei and Jin Dynasty

  5. 试论魏晋风度&名士理想人格的美学透析

    On the Manners Typical of Wei-Jin Dynasties-Analyses of the Ideal Character of the Celebrities

  6. 魏晋风度的美学特征

    The Aesthetic Features of the Wei-Jin Manner

  7. 魏晋风度与士人服饰

    Wei-Jin manner and intellectuals ' dress

  8. 魏晋风度即为中国古代诗性人格的典型代表。

    The " Wei-Jin Style " is a typical representative of the ancient Chinese poetic personality .

  9. 魏晋风度的产生和形成,标志着名士对理想人格的追求。

    The form of their demeanor is a symbol of their desire to seek ideal personality .

  10. 当然,魏晋风度的形式和实质既是统一的,也是分裂的。

    Of course , the form and substance of the Wei-Jin Demeanor are united and splintery .

  11. 从《世说新语·任诞》看魏晋风度

    The View about the Demeanor of Wei and Jin Dynasty from unconventionality of shi shuo xin yu

  12. 玄学在安顿人的心灵上作出了重要的贡献,并成为魏晋风度形成的思想基础。

    The Metaphysics made a big contribution to settle the soul and became the thought basis of Wei-Jin style .

  13. 魏晋风度是汉末六朝时期,士人们以追求人格独立、精神自由为特征的一种人格范式和审美范畴。

    The Wei-Jin demeanor , aesthetic category showed out in late Han Dynasties , when people were in pursuit of independence of personality and freedom of spirit .

  14. “盛唐精神”是在对“魏晋风度”进行完善、修正的基础上,形成的一种新的民族文化理想和精神范式。

    Based on the improvement of " Wei-Jin Style ", the " Mid-Tang Spirit " is a new national cultural ideal and a new pattern of spirit .

  15. 魏晋风度是一个具有深刻的美学意义的概念,是对魏晋名士理想人格模式的高度概括。

    Wei-Jin style itself is a concept full of deep aesthetic charm and a proper notion that summarizes the ideal character-mode for elites in Wei and Jin dynasties .

  16. 在确立这个选题的过程中,本人阅读了二十世纪以来学者们对魏晋风度研究的著作,特别是八十年代以来的相关专著和论文。

    In the process of preparing for the paper , I 've read many materials on Wei-jing style by different scholars in 20th century , especially some in 80s .

  17. 他最让人羡慕的地方就是他能把坏事做得很洒脱,能把无赖演绎得很自然,是魏晋风度的创始者之一。

    The great godfather was admired for his easy and natural spirit in the villainy and rascal conducts . Furthermore , Cao Cao was one of the founders of Wei-Jin style .

  18. 从思想溯源、玄学背景、生命情绪三方面省思魏晋风度,可以深入发掘阮籍现象的文化根源。

    This article studies the phenomenon of Ruan Ji who stands for the Demeanor of Wei and Jin Dynasties from three aspects : the ideological origin , the influence of metaphysics and the life sentiment .

  19. 文章最后一部分,以竹林七贤中的嵇康,田园诗人陶渊明为例,详尽论述了他们独特风度,更好的说明诗性思维中的魏晋风度。

    Last part to " Bamboo Grove " in Ji Kang , pastoral poet Tao , for example , discussed in detail their unique manner , a better description of poetic thinking in the Wei and Jin .

  20. 他在《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》中提出建安“文学的自觉”说,很有可能借鉴了日本汉学家铃木虎雄的观点。

    In his lectures " Style and Essays in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and their relationship with Herbs and Wine " Lu introduced the theory of " literary self-consciousness " which was thought to have been bo .

  21. 魏晋风度不独为一种人的风度、文化的风度,也更是一种源于天地境界的大自然的风度,是我们民族与世俗、与物质拉开距离的风度!

    Wei and Jin style is not only a style of the human being and the nature , but also a style that is rooted in the universe and makes our nation keep distance from the worldly and the matter .

  22. 她融和了庄、屈精神,体现了个人仪态形貌之美与内在才能、气质、人格之美的统一,是魏晋风度的典型体现。

    The lady combines the spirit in Zhuang Tsu and Qu Yuan , embodies the unity of individual beauty in manner , appearance , talent , temperament , and personality-an embodiment of the typical grace in Wei and Jin dynasties .

  23. 分析了魏晋风度产生的阶级基础&门阀制度,重点论述了魏晋风度产生的时代背景,:1、残酷的社会动乱,儒家信仰危机;2、庄子诗性哲学思维的回归。

    Analysis of the class foundation of Wei and Jin have-powerful family system , with emphasis on the Wei and Jin background of the times ,: 1 , cruel social unrest , the Confucian belief crisis ; 2 , the poetic philosophy of thinking back .

  24. 正是由于这种清醒深刻的生命意识,魏晋诗人才以狂狷怪诞的言行来全身避祸,鲁迅称他们这种看似荒诞不经的言行为“魏晋风度”。

    It is the sober and deep life consciousness that leads to the unrestrained , eccentric words and deeds of the poets of Weijin for taking refuge , which was called " the demeanour of Weijin " by Luxun .